Worried | Arthritis Information


Guys I seriously cannot cope anymore.  No one is taking this seriously.  I couldn't even open my mouth this morning and no one is helping me because there is no swelling.  I just can't fight it anymore.  My folks don't seem to care now it's just like 'oh well you better make the most of it before your disabled then' and even my husband said that the last rheumy was probably right and that maybe I was just a bit run down.  I just can't stop crying.  My mum and Dad are out with Austin - I can't go because I'm too scared I'll wreck my wrists trying to move his pram.  This is seriously affecting my mental health and I don't know what to do anymore.

Hi Julie,

Have you started with the plaquenil yet?  I think I remember you saying that u weren't going to take it because you had read on here that most of us haven't had luck with plaquenil alone.  I believe that a lot of ppl are put on plaquenil in the beginning and then if there is no improvement, another drug is added.  That's the way it was for me and then methotrexate was added and that really helped me for a few years. 

I think you should give the plaquenil a try and then if it's still not doing anything after a few weeks, then see what is then suggested.  Possibly ask for something for pain while you are waiting for this to work. 


Hi I don't know what to do - all I know is that I keep reading about this 'window of oppertunity' that if you get the right aggressive treatment at the start, its got a much better chance of working than working your way up when the first lot of meds fail - plus the rheumy that prescribed it said it was for the pain - its not even a pain killer and didn't suggest an eye test or anything - I am so not trusting him.

I think it's very common to start out with plaquenil.  Then add other meds.  A lot of the time it takes a combo of meds to help.  This is how they see what works well for you. 

Look at it this way...the longer you put it off...the longer it's gonna take to see what's going to work for you.  You need to start with something, right?  Why not start with the plaquenil?  Like I said, most ppl do start with that drug.

As far as the eye test, you can get that set up can't you?  I've never had a problem getting  that set up once you tell them you are taking plaquenil.

Give it a try


I think I'm just freaking out right now because I don't know what to think and who to trust - its horrible - its really affecting my mind.

Thanks for the advice Kelly.

I can understand, there's a lot to think about.  I've had RA for about 13 or more years, can't really remember..lol, anyway plaquenil was the first medication that was suggested.  It didn't work for me on it's own, but I'm still taking it after all these years plus a few other meds.  My point is, you have to start somewhere, Julie.  Why not give it a try and see what they suggest if it doesn't end up working for you.

I agree with Kelly; Julie. You've got to start somewhere.

In another post I advised starting with the plaquenil and just seeing what happens. Do like Kelly suggest and just go see the eye doctor yourself. Complications are very, very rare but the eye doctor will know right away what to look for. You'll only need to be checked twice a year while on the medication. My doctor advised seeing an eye doctor; but I was the one that had to set that up....they don't do that for you. So what that he didn't recommend it....WE ARE TELLING YOU; just do it.

Sweetie; I don't want to hurt your feelings in anyway; but didn't you tell me you were in your early 30ties? I imagine you are a very intellegent woman under normal circumstances. You need to get yourself together and start taking control of your own progress. Your depression and paniced personallity at this point is doing nothing but making you worse. You are a new mother; you have got to regain control and get on with your life. Only you can do it. Sitting around saying "I'm confused, I don't know what to do?" is not helping you one bit.

Also you've mentioned mental health more than once. It might be in your best interest to check into that. There's no shame in doing that...lots of people with chronic illnesses go through problems with that; but you need to seek help right away. You have a family that needs you. Only you can help yourself at this point.

We love you Julie....I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings; it's not my intention....but you have got to snap out of it.

You can live a long, happy life with RA....it's all up to you.

RA will get as big as you'll let it.


I can understand, there's a lot to think about.  I've had RA for about 13 or more years, can't really remember..lol, anyway plaquenil was the first medication that was suggested.  It didn't work for me on it's own, but I'm still taking it after all these years plus a few other meds.  My point is, you have to start somewhere, Julie.  Why not give it a try and see what they suggest if it doesn't end up working for you.


that was also the first thing I was put on...for me it did not work, but it works for others.  You sound like me kelstev, I know I've had RA since 1992/93, then I have to actually think how many years it was LOL

I agree with them Julie, you should try the plaquenil, it may just work for you, but it's not going to work over night. It will take time.

I'm on humira which works wonders for me, only cuz I've been on MTX and prednisone for many years {probably since 1995-96, I forget} and they weren't working well anymore., anyway, you gradually move up to the other ones. I think that plaquenil is the first drug to start with RA.

Don't forget, all the worrying is going to make the pain worse..stress is bad on RA.
  I think basically I know deep down that it's not the right treatment path for me.  The kinda top Doc in the UK put together a presentation about the pyramid, and how it the 80's and 90's they would treat with smallest drugs and move on to bigger and combinations if they didn't work. They have now proved that this approach is ineffective and that if they start you on the big combinations they can often knock you straight into remission but if you miss the oppertunity to do this by waiting too long it doesn't work as well.  It tells you all about it on this powerpoint presentation from Paul Emery at www.nedscape.com/viewprogram/4311_pnt  This is the guy I wanted to see in Leeds - i just ended up with another quack instead.  Lovie you are right, I am normally rational, god I've not long finished my degree in Journalism and Advertising and I've never considered myself ill informed but I think I've just seen so much in this world where people end up making things worse and missing chances.  I'll give you an example.  All through my pregnancy I said to the midwives - I think I have a big baby here and I think he's in a bad postion - I don't think the heads engaged and I don't think he's gonna fit with my little bones.  They said no no no don't be silly.  Well I was in hardcore labour for 48 hours, we both nearly died and I ended up with a c section because he was too big, he was in the wrong position and my bones were'nt big enough for him to fit through.  I went to the doctor when I had a rash on my face, I said do you think it's rosacea, I do, he said no here is some acne cream - 2 months later it's worse than ever - turns out it is rosacea and the cream had caused irreversable damage.  My mum had severe neck pain , went to the docs and they said it was torn muscles and gave her tablets.  Turns out is was cervical spondolosis and she has no had to quit her job she's in so much pain.  The gave her nsaid's then more to get rid of the sore tum they were giving her, then more to get rid of the ringing in her ears that the sore tum tablets were giving her, then tramadol which is one off morphine - the neck problem wasn't even inflammatory so she didn't even need the nsaid's.  My Doc tried to get me on a long term course of Nsaid's and told me they would 'get rid of this problem'.  Then my doc said to ignore RF because 1 in 5 people get it - that's just rubbish - you can see where I'm going with this.  To be honest, the only people who have ever talked any sense to me are you guys - I just reckon by the time I got here I've gone a bit ' just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you'.  Thanks for the advice, I know I need to calm down, but honestly, you wouldn't believe the idiot's i'm up against here.  Wish you would all fly over and get them for me.  Lots of love Ju

Julie. Hang in there. Remember you won't feel this way for the rest of your life. It will get better. Also do you think you are suffering from post partum depression or do you think its situational because you have so much to cope with? I don't know what meds you are on but antidepressants can help.

I've felt like you do and thought I couldn't take it anymore but things did get much better. It's also so frustrating to depend on drs who just don't have the answers but I really think they could make it much better for you if they were a little more competent.

"tramadol which is one off morphine" I'm not sure this statement is correct. I take tramadol....and it's not nearly that strong.

Anyway; I do understand where you're at Sweetie; that's one reason I hesitate to say anything at all. It can be confusing especially when you're up against the idiots you've been seeing.

I also understand you're concerns about taking the weaker DMARDS; but that's how I started out 11 years ago. Actually I started with Sulfersalazine along with predisone and shots of cortisone here and there. Eventually we added Plaquenil....then MTX then Humira. Back then they started with the weaker ones to see what results you would have. For years I managed fairly well; but as every year passes I've worked my way out of certain medications. I have no real signs of damage....none that are too serious anyway. My point is; you've got to start somewhere. It would be better to start with this and continue to seek out proper treatment than to sit around for 4 to 6 more months doing nothing. By the time 4 months pass you'll see if you can get by on Plaquenil alone...and if you can't you'll have evidence to show your doctors this isn't working; I've tried it and I still need help.


It's a personal choice I suppose; but I honestly believe if you aren't even being taken seriously at the doctors office you are not in such serious shape that you would need stronger DMARDS and Biologics. Take what they are offering and see how you progress. It won't be as if you're doing nothing....and you never know; it might just help you!!

Julie, we all emphasize with you.  I am a big worry wort and my mother tells me I'm just borrowing trouble.  Lovie is right, our emotions have a big impact on flare ups and that's the last thing you need; however, I really understand how your mind can take control and then you are in a spin.  I've been there; unfortunately, more than once.  I spent at least two years fighting doctors in and out of the ER, etc., and I finally went and had a psych eval.  I had to because I had started to believe that I was making it all up.  After all, that's what all the docs said and like you, I don't swell.  Fortunately, I was calm and rational during my eval and I came out with flying colors and the guy wrote a letter to my doc to set him straight.  I felt so much better!

Wouldn't it be nice if we could just transfer over our pain so they could feel what we feel.  We are so lucky that we don't swell because it is my understanding that the swelling causes the most damage so while it doesn't help us at the docs office because we don't have anything to show them, we are still very fortunate when it comes to damage.  It sure doesn't elevate the pain though.  Take care of yourself and love that baby!  Hopefully your prayers will be answered soon.

Julie...I feel for you. While you are trying to get the proper diagnosis and treatment, have you considered seeing a therapist? From reading your posts and the ones your husband wrote (am I thinking of the right person here?), you sound understandably overwhelmed by all of this. Maybe having somoene who is trained in cognitive-behavioral therapy would be beneficial. I know you are having a rough time now and I'm sending you tons of very gentle hugs. Love, JuliahOk, first off...seek the mental help out.  you've posted that you felt suicidal so that right there says you're overwhelmed and need help! 
...then you've been given a treatment that is a very common DMARD to start with.  There are people that plaquenil helps.  My mother is one of them.  She was recently dx'ed with RA and that's what she's on and my sister said she seems to be feeling better than she has in a long time.  not everyone needs a mix of meds.  there are some people who find one milder med does the trick but unless you try it, you'll never know.
and your comment about tramadol being close to morphine...not at all.  no narcotics in ultram...works in a different way than morphine...
from rxlist:
tramadol binds to the mu receptor and has weak inhibition of reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine.
morphine on the other hand binds to the opioid u receptor and does not have inhibition of reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin.

i do think part of your reaction is a bit of information overload. there is so much conflicting things out there.  one doc starts treatment one way and his patients have great success.  another doc goes about it differently and they also have success....but both docs also have patients that don't respond to their therapy and have to change things.  
you've got to get yourself together.   you've got a new child to handle and raise.  you owe it to him to take what is offered to you to see if it even helps.   if your docs aren't taking you seriously like lovie said, you probably don't need something stronger than plaquenil right now despite how you are feeling.  

Julie,  ARe you on anti depressant?  I would not be able to function without my antidepressant.  Do everything the rd prescribes.  That is how you get the biologics.  You have to show that the other treatment is not successful or maybe you will get lucky - it may be successful !Not on anything at the moment - I was kinda thinking if I gave my body a good rest then maybe the joint pain would go away HA HA HA HA HA HA..

One good thing though (LOVIE) is that when my mum went to the Docs and asked them for stronger painkillers (she's on Tramadol) she was turned down because they said they didn't have anything stronger other than morphine - I'm so glad I spoke to you because I've told her to go back and fight for something stronger again because they're at it with her (has usual)!   Thanks everyone for the support - just having a really hard time just now.  I've moved out of my flat and we're waiting to move into a new place - currently sleeping on the floor in my folks house with hubby - not the best - think I'm just feeling it all a bit just now - plus (I know this sounds silly) but I pray to god every day that my hands will be spared - I play a lot of music and I really wanted to be able to teach Austin when he's older - anyway - the pain has went into another knuckle today and I think I was just feeling blue.  Sorry.  Plus I get a lot of heart palpitations and they freak me out and they are really really bad today.  Just a BAD day I think

I would very seriously get on some kind of anti-depressant.Trust me.I have been suicidal since I was 12. and still battle it today but without my meds. for deprssion and bipolar I wouldn't be here today.Get yourself to  dr. asap and get something to calm you down,you are panicing and get an anti-depressant.Pain can make you crazy.I have seen my youngest daughter go insane from pressure in her head.Please get something soon.I am worried about you.

Love ya,

Thanks sheila I will go and see the doc tomorrow - i think it's just all getting on top of me - got so much going on as well as this stupid RA thing - it just wears you down - I think I just feel really isolated where I am just now - my folks keep looking at me with this look like Im a dead man walking or something - my dad said today - will it be an electric wheelchair you get? !!  It's hellish just now.  
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