~ Daily Doings~ 4/14 monday | Arthritis Information


hi guys, whatcha all up to today?
I've been reading my forums, email, took a nice bath, used one of my BBW products and slathered on Carrot  Body Butter..... its sooooooo good!!
My goals today, Lol, well did some affirmations, more later..
go to post office, mail off, my coupon envies, for my train (10 people on board).
and hopefully, hopefully, lol, Organize a few things, in my den..
then nap and maybe some vicodin!!!
ohh time for breakfast!... yes 2 pm, lol and tv, to relax.. and take my mind off things..
have a good day all
and lindy, enjoy the ZOO!!!,   The bus tours are fun and so is the skyride... its a pretty exhausting day, lots of hills there!! Also very beautiful!!  I love the monkeys and apes!!
I wonder if they rent wheelchairs there? hmmm....
( i now have this picture, of someone wheeling around a big ape, w/ a bonnet on his head, in a wheelchair, LOL~
have a good day all and pamper yourself!!!~
(the great thing, about being bipolar, is you get the nice feel good manic highs, kind helps ignore the pain, a bit) Lol
Whispered, it sounds like you've had a really nice day. :)  It's warmish and sunny in lower MI today and that's real nice.  I had to do the am/pm feeding of the animals at work. That's nice sometimes cuz it's double the$$ AND I don't go in till 1130.  That makes a nice morning at home. 
 Hope the rest of your evening is good. Mine will be, husband's taking us out for sushi.  Ciao :)
My day started with the belt of my robe falling into the toilet.
I had a bad headache and didn't want to take Tylenol because it's MTX day.
Had an awful ,complicated estimate to do first thing at work with my pounding headache.
I couldn't see straight and I kept getting confused.
Finally turned it in to the "proofing police" she's my arrogant assistant who corrects my errors with red pen. She doesn't know jack about performing an estimate but she loves to point out any typos or blurbs left in that should be taken out. Corrected me once and then found another typo she missed before. Felt like slapping her for her big red circles.
Broke down and took Tylenol.
And so on and so forth all day till I came home and went into the cabinet to get my calcium pill to take with dinner and plop the bottle landed in my chicken parmigiana.
I ate dinner and put my PJ's on- that's the end of this day!
i hurt this am so i got on here before doing anything else this morning besides coffee and paper that is a given.   pissed people off on this board about whoever runs for president.   i do not care about any of the three choices.  bathed, exercised, went to the grocery.   talked to my mom,  neighbor, husband  and my daughter on the phone.   got back on here after oprah and my husband came home.  fixing to take another bath put on my pj's and call it a nightSorry things went bad for you guys today.  WW, you didn't piss me off. :)  Hope the rest of the night starts lookin up for you both.
Sushi was dee lish!
Let's see...
We're on day 5 of the baby puking and having diahrrea.
Went to the ER and they gave him a popsicle.
Went to Target to pick up popsicles for the baby.
Decided I wanted popcorn.
Looked at the microwaves cause ours went ca-put.
Got home with the popcorn.
Remembered the microwave doesn't work.
Tried to give DH the baby's motrin.
That's what he gets for leaving his mouth open.
Went to make a phone call.
Ask hubby where my phone is.
He calls the phone.
It's on the coffee table.
Right in front of me!
I think I may be experiencing a little fog today.
You guys made me smile.  I'm soooo stiff.  Went to the zoo today and walked the whole zoo, saw every exhibit.  I'm going to pay for it tonight.  It was a great time and Stan and I had a wonderful time. 
Whispered, yes they have wheelchairs for rent.  We checked 6 months ago about wheelchairs, before I started in remission. 
Right now I'm collapsed in my comfy chair in front of the computer.  Have a feeling it's going to be to bed early tonight.  Lindy
LOL I bet Whispered was sorry she asked how are day was!naw, lol, its life, i think its good for people to vent :D
glad you enjoyed the Zoo lindy, isn't it gorgeous!!!
and all the flowers!
In San Diego, we have Bird of Paradise flowers, they're orange and kinda like a peacock..
ohhh, i forgot to tell you, .
ok this is in Jeff Foxworthys redneck voice: you know you're fat, when you're at the post office and a stranger hands you a weightloss patch and literature!!
LOL, it was an older gentleman, i know he was trying to be kind, LOL
it didn't even bother me, i have a mirror, i know what i look like!
ps: mrs A, i have many fog days like that!!! lol
I'm a HUGE listmaker, it only drives me mad, when i forget the lists, but when i remember thenm, man it helps!!!
Thats the thing, somedays, good or bad, i look decent, no matter how i'm feeling, so people have no clue how i'm feeling.. and i didnt' wear my wrist braces, to the po.. lol
Yes, often i wear my wrist braces, so people have a CLUE!! and not to bump into me!!
today i woke up and it was soooooooo pleasant and cool, i thought ack, i left my ac on, but nope just another gorgeous day in sd... w/o a car!! arghh pouting... lol
Whispered2008-04-15 13:37:53

Whispered, I just realized you are in my neck of the woods! How cool. Everyone else seems so far away.

Have a great day.

I've been up and shopping, to the base for gas, and to Trader Joes.  My feet and legs feel really okay.....like all the exercise yesterday was a good thing and it was.  Not much going on today, decided to relax.  Tomorrow we're golfing. 
Whispered, it was so nice and cool with the ocean breeze this morning.  I opened up all the windows.
Hi Nini, sounds like you're around SD area also. 
hi lindy, ohhh yeah the ocean breeze can be quite lovely!!
Today was soo diferent, nice, cool out..
when I rent a car, the first thing, I do is drive to the Ocean
and La Jolla!!!
Nina, what part of sd are you ? North country,, south?? etc? :)
Enjoy SD lindy.. the base??? are you affliated w/ the marines???
soo glad you enjoyed your day at the zoo.. its hard not to feel good, visiting Sd :)
I got up at 6....at the office by 8:30.
Worked, popped in and out of here several times....got off picked up my meds at the pharmacy. Looked for that Swiffer Jet mop but they didn't have it. Found it next door at the grocery store but they didn't have the wood floor solution. Went to another store looking for it but they didn't have it either. I ended up mopping the foyer, hall and downstairs bathroom with the regular solution. That mop is great! But...I need the wood floor solution. The regular stuff made it cloudy looking.
We're now making fozen pizza and getting ready to call it a day as far as chores are concerned. GUess I'll watch American Idiol and some SoapNet.
I've done more today than I have felt up to doing in a long time.  It's sad when you're excited you feel good enough to come home from working and feel like mopping and folding cloths. I got a cortisone shot yesterday and it made a huge difference in the way I feel over night. I haven't felt good for close to three months but didn't really want to admit it.
Hope everyone has a good night.

Whisper, yes, my DH is 30 year retired military, so we use the commissary and exchange whenever we're around one. 

Lovie, I'm happy that you're feeling better.  I see that you went back on Hum
ira.   I'm so glad that I went back on it instead of going to Rituxin.  Sometimes going backwards works. 
Yes, Lindy and Whispered. I am in Inland North County.  We've been in this house since 1980, but I've been in San Diego County all my life. In fact, I was born in Balboa Naval Hospital.
I must have missed something. I haven't been able to be online much lately, been practically bedridden for about a month.
Are you here for a vacation, Whispered? If so, have a great time. I still love the Zoo. One of my favorite places to go. I haven't been up to going for a long time, but "hope springs eternal". I'm looking forward to getting out again. Seems like I haven't been out if the house for months! Except for doctor appts, of course.
Do you live here too, Lindy? If so what area are you in?
I'm off to shower in my new walk-in tub. I think I took my first bath in 2 years when we got it. It feels so good to soak, and it has the therapy jets, too. My Sweetie spoils me.
Have a good evening! Hugs, Nini
Hi Nini, I'm the one visiting for 2 weeks and Whispered lives here.  Once we leave here we're traveling throughout California to Grant's Pass, Or.  Are you feeling any better?  I know it's been a rough year for you.  Before we sold the house and decided to travel fulltime I looked at the walk-in tubs and was thinking seriously about having one installed and then we decided to retire and enjoy our lives.  It's still on my list of wants if we ever settle down again.   Lindy
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