a new earth | Arthritis Information


hey everybody

 are any of you watching oprah and eckhart tolle?   a new earth on the web.   tell me what you think.   just curious.   susan

I don't know naything about it, it's on the internet?

yes tonight at 8pm   live webcast  about his book a new earth awakening to your life's purpose   under oprah.com   it has been on for several weeks now.Ahh.  Hehehe.  So that's what an eckhart tolle is.    I haven't heard of him, but I don't watch Oprah very often.  I guess you'll be watching...enjoy!  :)it is starting........well. I bought the book... I read the first two chapters.. prepared to watch online the first Monday night session.
The feed was so horrible it kept stopping.... so I waited and downloaded it the next day.. same thing with each subsequent week..  I will read the book and watch the program at my leisure without the both of the bad reception.
I'm curious of your thoughts....
It isn't what I expected.... and perhaps I'm not "ready" for it??  It's hard not to think of the "me" when you're in discomfort   *shrug*
no i agree   i think it is very different toopicture is clear tonight   but usually i watch it later in the week too    i agree with some of it but question other parts of it    most things are not addressed to people with life long struggles.   although they had a lady on there who had RA and eckhart tolle told her just not to think about it or talk about it.  aparently  he has never had RA.  
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