delicate question? | Arthritis Information


i have loose stools.    i am sick and tired of it.   does anyone know of a cure?   they have been not so solid for awhile.   then doctor put me on arava and after 2 weeks i had to quit it because i could not leave the toilet.   called doctor's office they said imodium ad but i have taken that before then i started throwing up.  yuck.     after 2 weeks my stools are no where near solid and i am gaining weight.   go figure.    does anyone have a remedy?   susan

Have you tried the  BRAT diet?  Bananas, rice , applesauce, tea and toast.  This is something my doctor would recommend whenever my kids had uncontrollable diarrhea.  The same thing you went through with arava is what I've been going through for the past 3 months. The toilet and I have become quite close.  I would also like to know how a person can gain weight,  when the food is going through so fast, because same is happening  to me.  I don't have a problem taking immodium d, just don't want to take it every day. 

How about eating cheese? It always cloggs me up. That is if you aren't allergic to dairy.
i love cheese i eat it everyday.   i think the weight gain is swelling.  water retention all around my middle.    any help would be appreciated.i do know the brat diet used it on my own kids.   maybe i should start it tomorrow.

I hope it all comes out ok. LOL Sorry couldn't resist.

Seriously, though, I know that has to be awful all the time. Maybe call back dr tomorrow and see what else they can do???
oh it is coming out I noticed you take lortab. Sometimes I have a hard time going when on pain meds. Do they have any effect on you? My mom is on lortab and she takes stool softeners because they make her constipated. Maybe take a pain pill tonight????
Just a thought.
hey why not i am in pain!   thanks.   have a peaceful night and sound sleep.  CinDee     always running,  susanYou too Susan! If I ever get to sleep. I sleep most of the morning away and now I'm wide awake. I have to take benedryl before my enbrel shot and for a couple days after because I break out in a rash. It is so weird, in the night time I take it, it keeps me awake. In the daytime, it makes me sleepy. I am the complete opposite!
Let us know how you feel tomorrow!
I hope you have a peaceful night too!
night night    don't let the bed bugs bite!The more we suppress our immune systems the more we lose valuable gut flora which helps us process our foods into needed nutrients.
The weight gain could be 'bad gut' flora taking over the 'good gut' flora.  Remember those articles about a year back about how overweight people had much more efficient 'bad' gut bacteria?  That is what I think is going on.
Because we have a set amount of water in our bodies.  It's either in our cells or in our...stools.  Some people think that constipation is the exact same thing as diarhea - just that the water is distributed differently.  In the body instead of into the waste. 
If you want to stop the loose stools and also drop your pain levels - I heartily suggest adding in probiotics.  Go to the store and get a refrigerated version of anything with the most live cultures and the most strains.  You can eat yogurt but if you body is doing this poorly, I think you may be beyond yogurt helping (altho natural forms are better for you, most brands are so processed, the stuff you need in it is useless). 
Start slow - you'll get cramping and gas.  It will pass.  When thats over, work your way up until stools are 'normal' and regular.
Mine started up like a truck when i started arava, but i found out it wasn't it.  It was dairy allergy that caused it.
You can cut out dairy or other foods you think you might have a problem with and start taking prilosec and zantac to ease the stomach.
I took Pip's advice on the probiotics and I can honestly say they COMPLETELY got rid of my loose stools from NSAIDs.  I will never stop taking them!  Love em, love em, love em.  I've even noticed that my acid reflux is a lot better too.My first thought was probiotics, too. Daily yoghurt or Kefir could be enough, if you just buy the plain kind with only milk and bacterial cultures listed in the ingredients. That really shouldn't be THAT hard to find. There have been some claims that the amount of probiotic cultures in yoghurt and kefir exceed the concentration of over-the-counter supplements many times over.

That said, a good OTC probiotic should so the trick as well.Ok, I admit it, I think people get bored easily and will stop eating yogurt everyday!  Now if we could talk them into sauerkraut!
KweenB - I was just talking about your post the other day - the Made A New Friend and her 5 billion friends!  That was the best post I'd ever seen!  And soooo true!
Bubba - you're right, it could be a food allergy so she should start looking for common denominators like your bread discovery.  But I'm not agreeing about the Prilosec etc.  I've decided those meds are pretty scary.  I don't like anything that doesn't allow the liver to regenerate like the cholesterol meds too.  Yes, necessary sometimes - but a lot of the time they're making things worse and trying to get off them is a witch!  I finally got of my Protonix.  Need to fix my signature!  Soon, I promise!
I have IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, one day I can't stop going and than all the sudden, I don't go for days, very frustrating.  A lot of people find this IBS diet to be helpful, maybe check it out.  there is a support board there as well.

I eat yoghurt every day no problem, sometimes several times a day. It's pretty versatile so it's all just a matter of developing new dietary habits. I usually have a yoghurt, kefir and berry smoothie (I just discovered Stahlbush farm berries-----delicious, and sustainable!) every day, and then sometimes I have yoghurt and muesli, or yoghurt with maple syrup or jam on it. Plain yoghurt on rice is SOOOO good, or you can add some cucumber and garlic for a tsatziki like sauce. You can even freeze yoghurt and the probiotics will be okay. Just don't cook it.

So it IS possible. But OTC supplements are fine, too.PS. I buy 2 litre buckets of organic plain yoghurt for .75, so it's economical, too! Or the domestic types could make their own.So kind of deviating from the topic - when you lose all those good gut bacteria by surpressing your immune system, do you also absorb less nutrients? I wonder if that would explain why I need to eat SO MUCH ALL THE TIME and maintain 115lbs (I'm 5"1')... I always thought it was my anemia, RA making the body run at a higher level, and the way I naturally "run at high speeds" mentally and emotionally.  Not sure if a daily vitamin would help, I read somewhere that there's something in vitamins that can aggravate autoimmune-diseases.
I'm not clear on what the yogurt does, exactly...Replaces those bacteria? Or helps them? Or just helps break down food? Would it be good to eat daily even if you don't have loose stool, I wonder? I have the opposite problem because of my iron supplements.
ok questions... what is kefir?   do i buy it at a health food store?   what is muesli?   will that help my loose stools?   what do you think of sweet acsidefilous(excuse the spelling) milk?  will that help?   i need help.    i will go to our health food store if i know exactly what i need to get and how much to eat.  i have yogurt.  does soy milk help?  i did better today until about 3pm then it all it the fan and i had somewhere to be at 4pm   thank goodness i did not have an accident.   why not zantac?   help me this pooping has to get under control.   thank you, susanKefir is a fermented milk drink that is kind of like a slightly fizzy thin yoghurt. You can make it by putting kefir grains in milk for 24 hours (and straining) or buy kefir at the store. I get it at the supermarket but I don't know what's available in your town.

Kefir Grains

Kefir at my supermarket:

Meusli is a mixed whole grain cereal (and sometimes dried fruit and nuts) similar to granola.

Acidolphilus milk might help, but stay away from presweetened probiotic products because the sugar changes the balance of yeasts to probiotics. If you must have sweetness, add right before serving. Also, there are many more strains of probiotics that just acidolphilus. Go for variety!

I doubt soy milk will help unless it's soy milk kefir. What you need are the bacteria grown by fermenting.

It should help loose stools. It works for me. Just eat a bunch.
Hi there,
I've just posted my own question about this subject, then I noticed yours.  I'm just like you.......loose stools for 4 weeks now, and feel like I have put weight on around my middle area.  I have cramps come on and have to go, immediately!! this happens about twice a day.  I know that inflammatory bowel disease can be caused by a faulty immune system, so like yourself I am a bit concerned.  Gonna see my doc for some advice. 

 let me know what your doctor says.  mine acts like he has no idea why i would have this problem.   1st of all i have been on NSAID for more than 21 years,  i think that could do it not to mention many other drugs.  but it looks like it could just be RA.   i gotta go to the store and get some of that nasty looking stuff gimpy you so kindly showed me a picture of i hope it tastes better that it looks.   thank you Gimpy-a-gogo  have a wonderful day.  susan

It's not "nasty". I have a kefir and berry smoothie every day and I consider it a treat.

So many people have such a tortured relationship with food. If it's not completely processed, loaded with chemicals and sweetened they think it's barely edible.GoGo -
Yes, I agree that natural is better.  But starting with a capsule is one way to help somebody realize how important this is to their all around health.  They realize, and they start investigating.  I now have a 'list' of things to accopmplish and on it is get those kefir grains!!!
I use Solaray Multidophilous 12 at Whole Foods.  It doesn't have to be that.  Just the most strains and the most live cultures.  Look in the refrigeration section.
You will get cramping, gas and bloating.  One person reported wanting to barf.  Start low.  One cap a day.  When your body feels better (couple days) than think about working up.  Look for regular.  Stop uping the dose when you become regular.
Pip, I'm not against capsules either, since I take them every day. (Although I do believe foods are a much superior source). I wasn't pushing food on WonderWoman, she asked me!

However, lately I have been reading a lot about the politics of food, so that's why I tend to get on a bit of a soapbox at times.

Anyway, Kefir is about as "nasty" as yoghurt. Take it or leave it. If you take it, I do hope it helps.

A really good capsule to try is "Florastor". It's kind of expensive and you have to ask the pharmacist for it, but it sooooo works. I don't believe it would be appropriate for long term use, though.Gimpy-a-gogo2008-04-16 11:11:22Didn't think you were preaching - only trying to help.   What I meant is I saw 'what do I take' and my thought was give them a name.  When it works, and it does, most people go, 'hey, need more info and how do I start finding out more.'
Like you, the politics of food also frightens me.  2 years ago I didn't think any of this stuff would work.  But it does and it helps us. 
Just doing my part to convert people to taking responsibilty for their own healing.
Aw shucks.

You know what I learned when I read "The Omnivore's Dilemma"? Cows can not digest grass. It's actually the probiotic bacteria in their rumens that does ALL the digesting. (That's why cows that are fed corn have to be given SO MUCH antibiotics and get so diseased from their digest. They are not built to digest corn AT ALL and it ferments in their stomach, cause what is lethal gas if not treated by assisted relief. The antibiotics kill the probiotics in their stomachs, reducing gas production. Eat grass fed beef!). I have known for a while that probiotics are important in human digestive systems, but maybe they are doing more digesting than we think.

On a personal note,last year I started to not be able to digest apples. I could eat them okay, but they were coming out intact from the "other" end, even though I was using a lot of OTC capsules. After months of increasing my probiotic food intake, I can now digest apples again.

There's just so much we don't know about how our enteric systems work, it's food for thought.

(Don't hate me 'cause I'm punny!)thanks gimpy for your help.   thanks for your pictures too.   i will work on it and give it a try.   i thought i was only making a joke about the picture.   we have a store here called wild oats.  i am sure that will be my best bet to find these products.   i made a list.  i will give you the results hopefully soon.  wonderwoman
I don't think anyone's mentioned Citrucel. I drink a glass in the morning (I actually like the way it tastes). Helps with constipation and loose stools alike because it adds bulk.Hey Hessalina, long time no see!
I used to use that and you're right, it doens''t taste bad.  My mom used it for years for her IBS.  I stopped when I started the probiotics as they help you process your own food so you can make your own bulk.  I wonder what mom did?  Gonna make a call...
Psyllium powder, generic from Wally World or Kmart works just fine. Years ago I went through a whole battery of tests, they prescribed that and it seems to work. Once a day at night.  went to the pharmacy asked for florastor no problem they got it  and a vit b shot.   so i am hoping solid stools once again.  wild oats will have the kefir i will have to go in town tomorrow to get it.   pharmacists said this is very safe it just adds to you good bacteria.  she says i can take it once a day forever if needed.  it is completely safe.   i will get the kefir at the health food store this weekend.   thanks for all the help, susan wonderwoman2008-04-18 17:22:47That's great, WonderWoman. Please keep us posted on how the probiotics work out for you.

Thanks everyone for all the info. May and Wonderwoman, I'm in the same boat... loose stools, bloating around the middle. I take a probiotic every day. It is making a difference but some days it doesn't matter what I put into my stomach, I end up with diarrhea.

Keep in touch ladies. It would be wonderful to find something that works.
I have read that probiotics could unsafe for people with compromised immune systems. Evidently the little buggers could theoretically get out of control.

BTW-just an interesting fact I wouldn't normally share but about 50% of human feces is made up of dead bacteria.

This IS the "delicate question" thread...Well, actually, we have about 4 pounds of microbial bacteria in our guts that are constantly procreating and dying, so that doesn't surprise me. Hessalina -
One study with probiotics had 24 people die.  These were really ill people with pancratic disease, I believe.  They were hospitalized and on drips straight into the duodendum.  That's part of what killed them - it didn't go in thru the stomach and wasn't process right via stomach acid the intestines.  I do, however, suspect that another reason they died.  I believe it had something to do with what meds they were on.  They were NOT on antibiotics as is usual in pancreatis.  If it wasn't antibiotics - what was it?  We may never know as the study got squashed and as of the last time I looked, no progress has been reported. 
However, the American College of Gastroenterology recommends probiotics in just about every case.  They had it listed in the info on dealing with c. diff I needed for my neice. 
And YUCK to both you and GoGo.  I have fear of microbes.  There's probably a name for it.
Punkie - is it only one strain in the probiotic?  Please try a multi-strain version and slowly work your dose up until you're regular.  We are waiting for your 'report'.
oh about 18 years ago i wanted to go on the antibotic treatment for RA.  i read a book all about it.  can't remember the name of the book but antibotic was in the title.   it was written by a doctor.   i took the book to my RD and was very excited about a more positive treatment.   he said No.   my RD asked to read the book which was never returned to me.    where do i find a doctor willing to treat me with probiotics?   do i ask my RD again?    2 days on my florastor looking more like poop.    still breaks up too easily.   i have some gas, no leakage!  thank goodness....   no horrible cramps like before.     my butt is not sore from wiping.  It is a cholesterol lowering medication but does that by adding bulk to the stool and absorbing the cholesterol.  The bulk part is what helps me.  I take it once a day and it is the first thing that has controled my diarrhea in over 2 years!!!
You stir it into milk or juice and it is sort of like metamucil but works really well.  It also has the added benefit of lowering my cholesterol which was starting to creep up a bit.  With a family history of nasty heart disease, the side effect of low cholesterol is definitely a good thing.
Since I have been off all my anti inflams because of my surgery next Tuesday  I haven't had nearly as much problem with the runs.  I might speak to my rheumy after surgery and see if we can move on to biologics.  If most of my diarrhea has been caused by my meds then I think that is a good enough reason to move on.  I've had the runs for almost 3 years, getting worse every time a new med was added.  I've been on Celebrex for years, MTX for 2 and a half  ( runs got worse)   and Arava for about 9 nine months (runs got unbearable).  I hadn't put them all together as to the cause of the runs because I've had IBS all my life.  But now that I'm off them all it seems to be making sense.  The meds are what is causing it.
I'm not at all sure that the meds are keeping damage from being done.  My ESR is down to 10 but my wrist is still very inflamed and my bursitis in my hip is bad enough to require surgery.  I feel damage is still happening with MTX, Plaquenil and Arava and Celebrex.  Maybe it's time to move on.
Pammy -
It might be.  Only you can make that decision.  I do know probiotics is seeming to fix the stools problem no matter which med type you use.  I really hope your surgery goes well and you'll be back here posting soon!  Hugs,
Wonderwoman - slowly work your dose up.  Let us know how your experiment is turning out!  Congrats!  I try to break my probiotics up - some in the AM and some in the PM - and you know something weird - on days I kind of slide on the probiotics (can we say idiot??? - because I'm on antibiotics) I don't sleep nearly as well.  I'm still running my sleep experiment.  LOL
Also, was the book the New Arthritis Breakthrough written by Henry Scammell?  18 years ago - maybe it was the original book The Road Back by Dr. Thomas MacPherson Brown.  It was included in Henry Scammell's book when it came out in the late 80's I think as it was no longer available.  You can get the New Arthritis Breakthrough on Amazon, I have extra copies that I lend out. 
If you want a doctor to treat you with ANTIbiotics - go to and look for the link and info about getting names of docs near you.  There aren't a lot but they are in high demand. 
I don't think any doc is going to treat you with PRObiotics only.  Even I wouldn't do just that.  Maybe a naturopath but I wouldn't know how to find one near you.
thanks pip.  it was called the road back by dr brown.  i think then i will take an extra pill since i am having alittle trouble tonight.  thank you for all your help.   i want to feel well again and i am willing to try different ways to do it.  you guys have all been a wealth of information and compassion.   wonderwoman    thank you Damn!  You had 'The Book" - see how they tell us it doesn't work.
I'm glad it's working out for you, WonderWoman.

Florastor is a great product but I guess I worry about using only it because it's a monoculture of probiotic. The reason it works well is because it's spores which aren't affected by stomach acids or other medications so it survives and thrives no matter what comes at it.

My purely unscientific concern is that it works by taking up space so the "bad" bacteria can't proliferate as well, but neither can the hundreds of good bacteria either. I usually use one Florastor every two days, and then I take a variety of OTC probiotics which contain acipdolphilus and other probiotic strains. And, as I've mentioned now many times, I also consume a variety of probiotic and prebiotic foods daily.

Some of the bad bacteria, when confronted with something like say, an antibiotic, or a stronger microbe, can revert into invulnerable spore state, then when the threat is gone, revert back to microbial state. That's why it's important to be constantly replenishing good bacteria so the bad bacteria doen't have a "blank slate" to fill up. It's a constant battle for space with these things.

The good news is there is mounting evidence that helpful probiotics also have the same amazing abilities, and when ingested in food have mechanisms which protect them from stomach acids and other hazards on the way to your gut.

Except for the North American diet in the last hundred years or so, every culture has had some form of probiotic food which was eaten on a regular basis. Probiotics are a necessary symbiotic part of health and healthy digestion.

So you're on the right track. keep up the good work!i gotta long way to go before i am on the right track, but thank you so very much for your help, gimpy.  i am finding i do better if i take i pill twice a day.  but the packaging says only once a day.   i have been eating yogurt ( i cannot tell if this helps or hurts).  i am going to go eat some fish oil capsules.    did fine this am then by 5pm my stomach went to war for an hour on the toilet.  that is when i took an extra one.   life with wonderwoman every man's dream    gas, farts, and stinky bathrooms!    wonderwomanThat once a day is for 'normals' who haven't messed up their insides like we have.  We need to do a lot more to keep things in control.  I'm up to 6 caps a day but I'm also on antibiotics.  If you take antibiotics if you catch something, you'll need to compensate for that too. 
Yogurt etc. will feel like it's hurting - but it's just your body going - whoa, I'm supposed to use this, right, how??? it's been so long. 
Is it possible you're lactose intolerant or lactose sensitive? If so, you may be only able to tolerate yoghurt you make yourself that's incubated more than 24 hours (the longer it's incubated the less lactose remains). Kefir is also known to be very low lactose.

If it turns out you must stay away from dairy altogether, there are many non-dairy based probiotic options such as unpasteurised miso, live culture sauerkraut, brine pickled vegetables, and kombucha, as well as, of course, over the counter supplements. took an extra one.   life with wonderwoman every man's dream