Ow, Ow! What's Going On? | Arthritis Information


Today is not a good day.  Maybe you can help me get to the source of this pain.  Sunday was MTX day and I took the injection in the morning instead of at bedtime, just to get it over with.  So far, so good.  No problems.  I've noticed since I upped the dosage and started the injections that on Monday, my whole left sided symptoms of pain are worse and it usually gets better each day and by Thursday I'm feeling quite well.  So I had the usual pain Monday but it was a busy day and the pain wasn't any worse than usual and I was careful not to overdo it.  Then last night we went to dinner with friends and I came home and went to bed around 10:00 p.m.  I woke up around 1:00 with pain everywhere, muscles and joints, and the left-sided pain in my face, head, arm and leg was worse.  It was a bad night.  Now today I feel achy with sore joints and muscles and I'm trying to figure out what went wrong. 

I know some of you have said you feel hung-over, tired, etc. after MTX, but do any of you actually have an increase in your RA pain symptoms?  I can't remember. 
The other thing is, the Monday night dinner was very salty (why do restaurants do that?)and I'm puffy this morning from that.  Could that be causing this new, widespread pain?  Strangely, my tinnnitus is not worse, in fact, it's really low today.  I wouldn't expect that from a high salt meal.  I haven't found a direct cause-and-effect from anything else before this and don't remember salty meals doing this either, but things change I guess.  Does high salt affect any of you with an increase of your RA pain? 
Gee I don't know what's going on but I sure hope you feel better soon!Haven't experienced any extra pain, just normal side effects, ditto on the salt question. hope you will be feeling better soon!!!Hey Jesse, sorry you aren't well.  Maybe you just caught a bug?  I caught my daughter's flu last week and their were a couple of days where every muscle ached and I slept for almost two days. Whatever it is, I hope you get over it soon.hi babe, you live in the mtns... if its extra rainy,  and i know the barmentor pressure, can change a lot up high.... so thats going to affect you.
It could easily just be the weather too.... that can easily make someone ache and be in pain.... even before, I had RA and lived where you are now, i was extra sensitive to weather changes, and my joints would be achy just from the rain or weather changing..
and headaches! ohhh eek.. i remember those and sinus....
gentle hugs!!
just REST and.. I think w/ this disease sometimes, we just have to accept, it might not have Anything to do w/ what we ate, etc... its just a shadow lurker and can catch you anytime..
so Pamper yourself!!
Hope you feel better soon, Jesse!
I think I am affected by MSG, not necessarily sodium.  Even before being diagnosed with RA, MSG played havoc with me, from being nervous and jittery to horrible insomnia.
Now that I have RA (still mild) I notice an increase in aches after a restaurant meal, and I blame it on that rotten MSG.
Thanks everyone.  I'm feeling much better now that the swelling and puffiness is down.  Maybe I need to try another high salt meal and see what happens.  MSG?  Nancy, you may be on to something, but silly me, I just assumed restaurants didn't use that anymore.  But I'll bet they do and maybe that's it, if not the salt.  I get terrible insomnia too after a Chinese buffet meal (no msg, they say) and I attributed that to the high salt.  But no aches then, so.....I don't know.  Maybe it is the weather or altitude, or like Whispered said, nothing at all.  I can't help but analyze this for answers.  I hate gray areas.  How can I fight what I don't know? 
Hey Linnc, I'm glad you're over that flu bug.   Being sick on top of everything else is just the worst. 
Jesse882008-04-15 16:52:55
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