New Member with questions | Arthritis Information


I am was diagnosed with RA 2 years ago. I am currently on Humira and just started methrotrexate and having problems with it. It is making me sick to my stomach for 3 to 4 days after taking the pill. I called my doctor and she said to stop taking the medicine and we will talk next time I come in. I also told her I was having problems about 3 to 4 days before I was due to take the Humira with running a low grade fever and she said that I was a strange case. I would like to know if anyone has ever experience a low grade fever like this. I am beginning to wonder if I have RA or a least questioning if I am just weird. Sorry I am just very confused and feel that I have no one to talk too!

Hello Jake, it seems like I've read of people on this board who run low grade fevers, maybe having it happen before you're due for the Humira means it's wearing off. MTX has never caused me stomach problems, but there are also people here who inject it to bypass some of the bad side effects. Hope someone can give you more relevant experiences, there is lots of good advice here, especially the been there, done that kind.Welcome Jake - 
I'm just starting year 2, so fairly new myself to RA.   I'm taking Enbrel and mtx, so can't help you with any Humira side effects.  Any chance the low-grade fever is just happening as you get closer to your next dose as it's wearing off?   Most on mtx take folic acid daily to offset any side effects - has your doctor prescribed it?  I think there is a stronger dose of something similar to folic acid, but not sure what it's called.   I'm sure someone will step in with the answer.     You'll be glad you joined in, lots of good advice and wonderful people - so be sure to post often and ask questions.

Take care

Hi Jake and welcome!  Is your dr a rheumatologist?  I had months and months of low grade fever when my RA came on, and still sometimes get it.  This is a fairly common symptom, but maybe your doctor thought it was strange that it was related to when you took the Humira?

Your doctor can prescribe prescription-strength folic acid to see if that helps, but I believe most who had stomach upset on oral mtx (I didn't) have switched to injectable mtx and it went away.  Either way, the folic acid is good for protecting you from other side effects, like mouth sores and hair loss.

Hi Jake,
 I have been on MTX for 3 yrs and did have problems with it at the beginning.  Did have a low grade fever and nausea,and headaches. Continued with it and it got better over time. Was prescibed Leucovorin to help with the side effects and I am now on 25mg MTX and doing fine on it.
It might take you a while to be able to tolerate it. Talk to you Rheumy and see if you can get leucovorin to help with the side  effects.
Hope this helps you.
Yes my doctor is a rheumatologist. I am also on folic acid too. I also felt that it was a fairly common symptom but for her to comment that I was a strange case kinda upset me. I currently don't have alot of pain, it more like alot of fatigue and stiffness and I just ache. I guess I feel that no one understand and now not even my doctor.
Thanks for you comments
Hi Jake and welcome.
Along with folic acid I always take my MTX on a full stomach and take a Prilosec daily to prevent stomach problems from it and other medications.
Maybe you could try that if you are not already doing so.
Jake do you take your Humira every other week? Do any of these fatigue and stiffness symptoms start about the same time everyweek. You can almost track when the Humira begins to wear off. You might be able to take it weekly and solve your problem. I'd suggest increasing your MTX but it doesn't sound like an increase there will be tolerated too well at this point. Injecting it would likely help with the stomach issues.
Welcome to AI. Male Jake? We have a few much loved male members who will be thrilled to have you here. Stick around. Female Jake? Still glad you're here;)

I have no experience with the meds you are taking, but I wanted to say "Welcome"!!

I take Humira and also run a low grade fever of about 99 to 100 the 3 days prior to my injection.  I get a fever anytime I am having an RA flare.  It goes along with the achy, tired yucky feeling I get with my flares.  I think it is fairly common with RA and is a consequence of the disease and not the Humira.  I have had RA for 15 years and have been on numerous meds and have always had the fever.  I take tylenol #3 and it helps with the pain and lowers my temp to normal.
Welcome JakeInnerglow may be on to something. I have both and I had suspected RA when I went to the doctor. And I thought it was just out of control, come to find out with was Fibro as well. It's a miserable feeling, and the meds have really helped me. Do a bit of research online about it. If you do have it, you'll be surprised at how many symptoms you have and don't realize it. Sorry, Lovie but I'm female. I have a Laborador dog named Jake and it was my dad nickname.
I want to thank everyone for all the great responses. I will have to check into Fibro, I don't know much about it. What kind of meds do you take for Fibro in addition to the RA meds?
I agree that the Humira is just wearing off and I will talk to the doctor about taking the Humira early than every other week. The low grade fever has only been happening the last 6 weeks.
Thanks again for all your help!
That's ok Jake....I like boy names for girls anyway I think that's cool!
Hi Jake,
I'm on MTX 25 mg. and Humira.  I take 1 mg. folic acid daily, 7 days a week...and 50 mg. of Leucovorin 8-10 hrs. after MTX.  For me I find I need a full stomach, and then take my pills right before going to bed.  It cuts down on the woozy stomach feeling.  I also have low grade fevers, and I start to feel crappy, stiff about 4 days before my humira. 
Welcome to the board.  You're not alone.  My doctor has said things like that too..."strange case, or I've never seen that, etc." and he's a top rheumatologist at a teaching hospital.  I think any auto immune disease effects different people different ways.
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that is not well-understood, but is presumed to be auto-immune.  A few doctors still don't recognize, but most have come around, I think.
Main symptoms are muscle pain and overwhelming fatigue, although there are quite a few other possible symptoms and related diseases.  Unfortunately, diagnosis cannot be simply done with blood work as there is no known test for it.  Instead, a physical exam checks for certain "tender points" which, when mild pressure is applied, are painful.  Having 11 or more of the 18 tender points (see for a diagram) indicates the disease.  Another indicator is widespread pain in all four quadrants of the body.
Unfortunately, only one med has been specifically approved for it to date.  Lyrica has been used for years as an anti-nerve pain med (it's very helpful to me) and they have found it helpful for fibro patients.  Otherwise they simply treat the symptoms with NSAID's and muscle relaxants.  I believe the anti-depressant Cymbalta is also being used off-label to treat fibro pain.  A significant number of fibro patients have difficulty sleeping, often not reaching the deeper stages, which they are not sure if it may be a cause or effect of fibro.  In any case, many take sleep medicines.  Like with RA, getting adequate rest, balanced with some activity, is important.
I hope you don't have both, but it is worth looking into as it may provide you with a better understanding of what's going on, and possibly some additional treatments.

Hi Jake......I had a low grade fever and night sweats. I would be burning up and have to get up and change pj's because they were soaken wet! I believe that it is also symptoms of ra itself. I hope you get everything taken care of soon and feel better.

take care
Thanks, everyone for all your responses. I read the website on the Fibro and will talk to my doctor about it.
