How would you like to be helped? | Arthritis Information


How would you like to be helped?j

I've got a really good friend, who lives 2, 000 miles away from me.
(ironically, another best friend, lives just 15 mins away from her!!!~they haven't met, kinda different, on some levels)..
Anyway, my friend has Lupus and is very ill.. Sleeping most of the time and in pain, etc.
So, I'm trying to think what can I do to help?  She has 2 teens and her husband is doing everything now.
I feel helpless,  and any suggestions, what if this was you, what would you like.?
This is what i'm thinking, asking my other friend, if she'd maybe help run errands.. or &
finding my friends husbands email addy.. and asking him, how can I help?
Maybe, I'll just send her some flowers, next month, when I get my check, IF i can find out what her favs are!!! lol
or start sending postcards, a couple a wk..
I feel kinda helpless, Lupus in some respects, is like RA.. the flu like feeling, pain etc..
I'm soo lucky I have a provider!!!...  when i'm that bad, tho, I know i just can't interact w/ people.... .. she's just really sick..
I'd do anything to help make her feel better,... any suggestions??
What would you like?.... i'm thinking flowers is a good way to go, tho, bc she isn't well enough to read right now, or do anything and flowers would let her know.. she's cared about.. they're pretty and pleasant...
thoughts?~ and thanks~
I like the idea of you sending her flowers....another sort of care package geared toward making her feel comfortable.
I think asking your friend that she doesn't know to run errands for her will make her feel worse. It would me. I'd feel quilty and uncomfortable with a stranger in and out to do things for me. If her husband is's likely not nessesary.
I think your friend is real lucky to have such a caring friend. It's real sweet of your to put some thought into being there for her even from 2,000 miles away.
Post cards, pictures, emails.....and the occational phone call surely helps keep her spirits up. You're likely already doing more for her than you realize just by loving her.
Flowers are a nice idea.  I think getting suggestions from her husband is also good.  I'd like to receive a card once in a while to be reminded that someone is thinking about me and phone calls are great too, but only if she's not too tired to converse.   You'll have to make her promise to tell you honestly if she doesn't feel like talking.  Otherwise it doesn't help her, it's a burden. 
You're a good friend. 
Hi Whispered, writing letters.  I know that you said she wasn't well enough to read but I bet that if she got regular mail from you that she would hold it up to read it.  Receiving hand written letters is so joyful.  It shows that someone has taken the time to make your day more cheerful by thinking about you.  It doesn't have to be a long letter, just a short one telling her that you're thinking about her.  Bright postcards are also a good way to reconnect.  I love getting letters. LindyDo you know if she has a subscription to Netflix?  You could get her a membership so that she can pick out her favorite movies and have them delivered right to her door.  Maybe you could even make up a special "Pamper Yourself" gift basket with lotions, bath and toiletry items, maybe some slippers, comfy PJ's, etc.I reckon a regular phone call weekly or something, she may well appreciate that you care to ask how her week was and if she feels like talking about her condition, just to listen would be great.  I know it helps me, hugs Janie. 

How about calling her local Merry Maids or some cleaning service. I know I would love to have my house cleaned when I am not well. Shoot even if I am well! LOL  Don't know if that in your budget. Or how about sending them a gift card for carry out?? I think the idea about a post card is nice. I love to get cards and mail!

Personally, i wouldn't like a stranger helping unless they came from a program that helps people.  But i am a very shy person and like it that way.
I too have had many struggles and needed help just to sit up and walk at times.  My husband takes care of everything including our kid who is in all kinds of band things and after school activities.
He is, luckily, capable to do all that is needed.  Some might not be able to, i don't know, but i know my husband does everything and is never ever upset about it or too tired from it, but he might be rare, i really don't know.
I, as a sick person like phone calls to see what's going on with other's lives, I like letters but can't write back cuz of my hand, but i would like to call and thank the person.  I would probably like trinket things instead of flowers because i have to take care of them which is hard.
But phone calls are the best for me, i hope this helps.
Do for her something you would love to receive. Flowers, cards, phone calls/care packages, all of those are great ideas. Or maybe, you could send her some gift certificates to restraunts in her area and her hubby could pick up some take out.
It's nice of you to think of her.
these are all great ideas.  i was going to suggest a cleaning service as well.   although dinner cards are great too.  even just little happies it the mail are great.   not expensive things just i remember you things maybe a picture or soap special music or movie coupons neflex is great.   i dont know how it would work but i love to get my nails done a card to get my nails done from somewhere.  we all feel better when we look better and our house is clean and we have a ready made dinner