I Guess It Wasn't The Salt After All | Arthritis Information


I am not a happy camper.  The pain is back today and there's no reason for it.  I guess I have to admit I've joined the rest of you who faithfully take their meds, try to do everything right, and still have problems.  Nearly a year later you'd think I'd "get it" but I can't.  After living my life with the occasional illness that is over and done with after time or medication, I still can't accept that this is forever and maybe will never be under total control.  I continue to get fooled by those days when I feel great and think, "OK, NOW it's under control, now I know what I have to keep doing to stay well and now my life will go back to relative normal."  I still can't accept that this is going to be my life and that I'm going to have a chronic condition that's not controlled no matter what I do. 

My PCP suggested going to a spine specialist to make sure some of these issues are not because of my cervical problems, but the neurologists didn't seem to think there was any connection and I wonder if I'm just chasing after doctors until I find one who tells me what I want to hear, i.e., that this is something fixable.  Not that I want spine surgery......noooooo.  But I don't want to be taking these awful meds if they aren't treating the real problem.  So that's my dilemma...ask to lower the MTX again and see what happens?  I know I need the Plaquenil, but why take the MTX if it's not helping?  I've never missed a dose of MTX so I don't really know if it's helping or not.  It could just be the Plaq. I need.  Or maybe the tinnitus will get worse if I drop down the MTX.  I don't know.  I know I'm rambling. Please excuse another long rant.  This will pass.  I don't stay down for long and I'll get over this too.  I just needed to vent to the ones who do "get it."  Thanks.
I have taken my meds for so long that it is just a normal part of my day.  For a long time I would forget but around midday I would be reminded.  Acceptance is such a huge part of getting better, or so I found.  At times when I have something strange going on, different pain, etc, my family will think it is RA related but you just get to know the true symptons.Cindyslou, thanks for your response.  I'm really good about taking my medication and will continue to as long as I think it's what I really need to get this under control.  Right now I'm just not convinced of that.  As we all know, this disease is so complex, it just makes it so hard to pin it down, and therefore, pinning down the right treatment is hard and so frustrating sometimes.  I want it to be like is used to be...diagnose the problem, take the medication and all will be well.  Sometimes it's not that simple with autoimmune diseases.  Just a thought Jesse~have you considered AP?So sorry you are involved in the RA crap shoot- it sucksKeep your chin up Jess. I know it gets frustrating....even after all these years it still gets frustrating to me as well. We all go through that.
Tomorrow's a new day. Always remember that.
Thank you for your responses.  Linnc, I'm keeping AP in the back of my mind as an alternative.  I mentioned it at the beginning of my therapy and the RD was not receptive at all.  At some point I'm going to bring up the subject again, especially since he doesn't want to start me on the next round of drugs.  He feels at this point the benefits don't outweigh the risks.  I think the worst thing is, just not knowing for sure if this truly is an RA type issue or a cervical spine issue.  I know part of it is RA, but I'm not convinced it's the whole story and that I need this current medical therapy, since it's not doing what I think it should.  Or maybe this IS what it's supposed to be and I just haven't come to grips with it yet.  The search continues......  Sorry, to hear it, Jess.
Much Hugs!
I'm soo sorry babe, this is such a complex disease... no fun!!!
and its hard to come to grips w/... i guess. i've had years and Years and years.. of finally
Accepting an illness, that makes no sense... being Bipolar!
It helped later when 3 yrs ago i got the RA..  well somewhat, i remember a yr, after i got this, my Rhem was like, its Time to get it!!! ... bc i needed to be more consistent w/ my appts and taking the meds, etc..
So w/ the RA... i still have days too, when wham bam thank you No ma'am, and it happens again...its very frustrating and you know we all have days , like yours, thats the worse,
having good days , then having it hit again.
I think what someone said, is impt.. Acceptance.. doesn't mean giving up , looking for new meds, but coming to grips that you don't have control over this, and to go w/ the flow...
I ran out of my MX and i can tell you , I don't feel right and can't wait to get it refilled!!!
I seriously think, for me , anyway, that weather has a lot to do w/ one's body..
and as usual, i'm also rambling...
What , i'm trying to say, is the more you try and make sense, of this, the more miserable, you're likely to be..
~*If it helps then sure, do some journal work, note the weather, what you ate, what activities you did, (they may not have hurt you then, but can come back later ), what kind of mood you were in... by doing that, you may pick up some patterns.
For me, i know if i'm going out one day, i always plan to do Nothing, but rest the day before and after!
and also this helps, everyday at beginning or end of night, give Thanks for 5 things, you're grateful for.. this always helps me..
even small things, my cats, a nice sunny cool day, a bed to sleep in, plenty of covers,
having the internet, friends.. simple things..  and ohh definately coke a cola!!! lol
hugs babe,!!!!... hope you have a better day soon~
Whispered2008-04-16 15:58:18Thanks for the kind words and hugs. It always helps.  I am seeing one pattern.  Yesterday and today I started feeling better as the day ended.  I don't know why, but anyway, I know it's true about that acceptance thing.  But so hard to do.  Being rather hard-headed it will probably take me longer than some to finally give in and realize this is my life now.  Tough when you've been healthy all your life.  But I shouldn't complain.  I mean, there are people here who have been fighting this since childhood, and I always feel so sad when I read about what they (or their children) have gone through.  So, even though I may moan and groan on occasion, I plan to get up off my butt, put on my big girl panties and get on with my life.  Your support helps me do that.  Hugs to all of you. 
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