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I managed to get my GPs nurse on the phone this morning. Explained what I've been going through. I'm just trying to get an answer and an idea of what I should be doing. She mentioned fibromyalgia. That might explain some of this even though I'm guy. How would I know?

I had two good days and then my hip flared up.
Wow...I haven't got any experience with fibro and I don't know a whole lot about it. I know it's painful though.  Hope you get to the bottom of it.Do some research about fibromyalgia and see if the symptoms fit.  Ask for a referral to a rheumatologist who specializes in fibro if you are concerned that you have it.  Well... I can tell you this... with Fibro there is no swelling. I had it all confused a month or so back. I kept thinking that swelling was one of the symptoms of fibro, but it was not. Not entirely sure how I came up with the swelling fibro. Might have been I was in a lot of pain, on pain meds and my mind was not functioning properly for almost a month.

I am still not sure which of my pain is fibro. I am stilll learing it. Like I thought the ribcage pain I was having was RA, but RD said it was Fibro. The pains are the same for me, except the ones I get in my shoulderblade area... my skin feels like it has a bad sunburn and the more I move my arms are stress that part it will burn even more to where it feels like it is on fire.
Best of Luck to finding out what ya have, Mike. Just when you find out what it is you have, you cannot leave us. We have guard at the door, and they do not let anyone out, only in. I am not sure if it is weird or not. Maybe get a doctor to do the tender points on you. I'm impressed she mentioned fibro to a guy...guys get it, but so often they get overlooked.
You can probably try to check out your own tender points, at least a little.  Basically, press (or have someone press) on some of the points with the same amount of pressure they'd put on a fingernail to turn the nail bed white. Here is one diagram of the tender points (you'll have to imagine some anatomical changes I think
My hands/arms hurt holding coffee mugs.  Sometimes they even hurt picking up a drinking glass.  The glass designs in my house are very simple and lightweight just for that reason, plus we have disposable plastic cups if needed.
And I am sensitive to just about everything...temperature, humidity, sound, vibration and a bunch of others.  You might want to check out Elaine Aron's book, The Highly Sensitive Person (  Even if the profile doesn't fit you, the coping techniques might be helpful.
I hope you're able to find some answers soon.
They say that guys aren't likely to get some of the  tender symptoms to the same degree as women do.  I've always been able to tolerate/shrug off pain--that's over even though I might not yelp.

Yeah they never show a guy in those diagrams.   mab522008-04-17 09:06:50