Weight and Exercise | Arthritis Information



Any suggestions how to get motived into exercising, so I can loose weight.  When I get home from work I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open.  Then I start hurting after sitting for awhile.  During the weekends I try to do my housework then I am too tired any that to do anything else.  I use to be able to walk but lately when I walk I get a bruise on the ball of my foot and it starts to hurt, which causes me not to walk.  Would love to hear from any of your experiences how you exercise.
RA/OA, IBS, HC, Lt, on MTX, pain med, 6 years and counting
When it's nice, bike rides are fun.

But lets face it, no one likes exerting themselves and getting all sweaty. But most people love feeling well and the big endorphin rush. What motivates me is the long term gain and short term relief exercise brings. If I can find something "tolerable" that's what I do. Right now I'm into "pumping iron" but last year it was swimming all the way!I can't ride a bike, OA in knees.  The doc told me to avoid stairs.  Pumping iron I don't see how you do that.  I think I would be in to much pain from that.  I know I would feel better to exercise I just can't seem to get motived anymore.Looks like it's the swimming pool for you, nanamom! See if your local pool has a water aerobics class. Where I live a lot of the pools have "Water Works", which is a special water aerobics class for arthritics.

If you have a friend you could interest, having an "exercise buddy" might help.I do about 40 mins of yoga and walk about 3 - 4 miles each day.  My motivators are: 1) I always feel better afterwards; I feel worse when I sit too long, increasing stiffness, pain level, and fatigue, 2) my dog Joey, his enthusiasm for our walks are infectious, and 3) it feels so good to get outside and feel some sunshine and fresh air on my face.
Good luck, Alan
Nanamom, I had to work up to weight lifting. Last year I could barely do the swimming pool and bike riding was becoming a distant memory. Now, I'm back on my bike and trying to build up some strength since I lost so much these 2 years.I'm with you nanamom ...   excertion is  exhausting
but I'm heading to the Y (I know I've been saying it forever... but with the addition of the enbrel I feel ready!!)
signing up and while my Youngest is playing Lacrosse on Mondays and Wednesdays... I'm going there.. walking around the pool  would even be good since it keeps the weight off your leg joints..
I wish you well.. I hope you find somethign that works for you!!
nanamom,   i really enjoy curves.   you put into it what you get out of it and it has not hurt my joints.  you switch machines quickly so you never do too much damage in any one part of your body but you exercise everything.  and i feel good afterwards.   swimming in warm water is like heaven whenever you get the opportunity.  i beg in the summer to use anyone's pool.I have a Y membership, that I hope to use for swimming, but...
Could you save up for a treadmill? I have that at home, and it's what I use most often.  Whenever I get one of my favorite magazines in the mail, I don't let myself read it, unless I am walking on the treadmill.  I may be going very slowly on some days, but it's something...
nanamom when you figure it out will you clue me in?
I too am in need of some major motivation...although everyone made good suggestions....I'm not motivated
motivation has to come from within..nobody else can provide it for you.  When I started exercising  hired a personal trainer.  That way I had a scheduled appointment that I paid a whole lot of money for...thats motivation when I couldn't muster it up from within.
Stop saying what you can't do and concentrate on what you can.  Even with arthritis you would be suprised at what you can do.  You may not be able to use an exercise bike right now for 20-30 minutes but I bet you can for 2 or 3.  Its not only the joint problem causing the pain but the weakened muscles around those joints.  As you strengthen those muscles you will be able to do things that you can't right now.  Make your goal to be able to do more tomorrow than you can do today.
But before any of that happens YOU have to decide that exercise is a priority in your life
Buckeye is right, motivation comes in different ways but it has to start within yourself.  One way that motivated me initially and still does is I took a picture of myself nude and hung it in my dressing area.   Now believe me that's motivation each and everytime I look at it.  Call it vanity or whatever you want  but it worked for me. 
I walk each day and do water exercises a couple days a week.  I also golf 2 times a week.  I use 5 lb. hand held weights and do a routine in the morning.  It really helps to loosen me up in the morning.  That's the hardest part of exercising is my morning exercises.  I have trouble doing exercises that put a strain on my joints, so I'm  careful, but I'm slowly losing weight and I've built up muscle.  I can hit a golf ball farther now than before I was diagnosed with RA and PsA.  I've just started to golf and exercise again because I'm in clinical remission. 
It's very difficult to motivate yourself when you're in pain.  The one thing I finally realized is I'm going to have pain if I exercise or if I don't.  It's always there, so I might as well get the weight off my joints.  That in itself will alleviate pain.  Lindy
You are right- it must come from within. When I get out of this funk I will find my motivation. Also I need to get a new MP3 player. When I hear music I want to move.I'll second music! Got me through my chemo sessions.
For exercise, forget about losing weight. You need to exercise--the weight loss will come as a byproduct of diet and exercise. I like bodyweight exercise. Right now all I can do is some minimal wallchairs (my knees are OA) and pushups. I do what I can. Increasing your muscle strength changes your body. More muscle means you burn energy better and that helps you lose fat. At first you might even find you gain a bit of weight, but than the weight comes off.  That and walking.

Do what you can. Anything over a half hour seems like torture even if you are healthy. If all you do is five minutes do that.
Warm swimming pool at the Y is definitely a good idea.  My doctors have told me the only way I can exercise is in the water.  Actual swimming would be too much for me right now, but I have been in aquatic physical therapy for 4.5 months.  Most of what I do there is marching, backward walking, squats, stretches and things like that.  PT is ending, so I am trying to swing a membership so I can go and do it on my own.
The best idea though is to find something you enjoy, because otherwise you won't stick with it.  And remember that you can start out really, really small, as long as you start working your way up.  If it's too challenging, exhausting or painful at first, do smaller sessions more frequently, rather than trying too much at once and getting discouraged.
I admit I'm not motivated to exercise - and that has to change.  Between RA and age creeping up, I need to get moving.   Is it part motivation and part priority?   I can be so organized at work, timelines, lists, calendar to-do's - then I get home and can't seem to do the same.  I'm not sure what is natural for me, the work side or home side.   Maybe rather than find motivation, I should try to bring my work habits home and prioritize.  Mark walks on a calendar, make my checklist.    I'm hoping it will get easier to get outside now that spring is here. Well, I guess I'm one of those rare folks who love sweating and exercise. You need to find something you feel confortable doing first. Swimming is most often recommended for RA sufferers.

Once you start exercising I think it will actually relieve some of the RA. At least it has for me. I do quite well and I have to chalk that up to exercise and Enbrel.

Someone mentioned music and I have to say getting an Ipod a few years back has pumped some more energy into my workouts. I fill that thing up with loud rock music and it keeps me on that Arctrainer for an hour at an agressive pace.

One more thing. I have been working out regularly for over 20 years and I have found that if I go home right after work I find it very difficult to get my butt up and to the gym. I go directly to the gym and there is no problem. Also don't think about you scheduled workout until your doing it. If you think about it throughout the day you'll find so may reasons to not go.

Exercise makes me feel and look good. It gives me great self confidence and makes me stronger in many ways.Have you thought of exercising in the morning? After work it's more difficult to get motivated. I think once you try it , it will become easier than later in the evening. I am tired in the evening and I dont work. Hessalina...I'm with you.  I think the reason I love cardio is because the feeling of sweat dripping down my body (sorry for the gross detail) and knowing it's due to my own hard work....it just feels so GOOD!  It's such a rush when you're finished.  I do weight training too, but it's cardio that I love.
I don't run much anymore, but you'd be surprised what a good hard work out you can get from walking.  It's so adjustable you really can gear it toward your own personal ability so it's something many of us can do.
I agree that if I don't work out at the regular time I've set aside for it, it's hard to fit it in another time slot.  I mean iut's hard time wise, but also hard to motivate myself.  I think establishing a routine is key in making exercise part of your daily life.
I Agree exercise is the key to us feeling so much better! I have been into exercising for a long time and it is really addicting once you start seeing results! you just have to really give yourself time to see the benifits. I started walking cd's about 5 yrs ago with Leslie Sansone Walk away the lbs, she has 1 mile up to 5 mile cd's. she does a variety of different steps that make it fun to do. I totally recommend these cd's for beginners. Anyone else have increased RA pain/swelling post-exercise?  I've noticed that the day after I exercise--even if it's just 20 minutes of cardio--all my joints are a lot achier, especially my feet and ankles.  Is it the exercise, or is it that my MTX dose just isn't quite where it needs to be?  

I have a complete tear of my labrum in my hip which makes walking  or bicycling painful. I tend to not lift my foot on that side high enough and I trip on uneven surfaces and where we live, there aren't any sidewalks. Swimming would be a great alternative, but with my Raynaud's, the water is much too cold. My short-term solution has been mall walking. There are alot of inclines and benches. I get a smoothie with extra fiber and protein and away I go. I try to do the whole mall before I start window shopping, lol. I'm starting to think curves may be the way to go, since our mall is so small.

By the way, we are expecting more snow all weekend. What the heck is that about??? I have been cold since Oct. and it's about time we see the sun again...

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