Mental Health Improves with Activity | Arthritis Information


Performing as little as twenty minutes of any physical activity, including housework, per week is enough to boost mental health. This conclusion was made as part of a study published on April 10, 2008 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, one of the BMJ Specialist Journals.

While it has been previously shown that regular exercise is beneficial for mental health, few professionals agree on how much or what types of activity are best. Physical activity curtails the risk of a number of serious diseases, including heart disease and certain cancers. Additionally, several biological risk factors are lowered by exercise, including glucose intolerance and inflammation, which have been additionally linked to depression and dementia. agree....  i feel so much better when i have moved around some everyday.I jump to conclusions, fly off the handle, beat around the bush and generally run amok every day.  I don't suppose they're talking about that kind of exercise. sure they are!!!