UPDATE | Arthritis Information


I am going crazy here.  Finally get my rd to find the number to the pharmacy.  They said they cannot fill my Enbrel because my insurance will only pay for 3 week supply and they come in packages of four weeks. 

Maybe, small chance, someone with actual power to act will step in.

Also squeaky wheels get the oil!

The system needs to change.... all that money spent on obstructing medical care. About 25% of every medical dollar!That is weird...usually the insurance pays for 30days of meds. Sorry you are having so many troubles getting this done. Hopefully they will call you back with good news soon. I am on the phone with Medco now. It is my hubby's insurance.  This is so frustrating.  My rd has a new office manager.  I think she does not know what she is doing and is very defensive.  It does not help that I am hurting so bad again.  I don't want to wait another week.  This is ridiculous.  I am trying to squeak the wheels.  ON HOLD OF COURSE - listening to some really horrible hold music

Would a hot bath ease your pain?

oh roxy... those sarcastic people! They just irritate me.

Don't know if this will help, in place of a heating pad, I used to dampen a washcloth or a handtowel, put in a ziploc bag and warm it just a touch in the microwave. Then wrap in another towel before I used it. Or my mom used to heat (on low heat) regular table salt, like a round container of it, in cast iron skillet (don't use teflon, the salt will eat the teflon) then put it in an old pillowcase and tied it up. The salt holds heat pretty well. Although I would wrap it in another towel before using it.

I hope you get some kind of relief soon and some answers about your Enbrel even sooner.

LisaAunt LIsa,  I don't know how to cover both my hips and my butt with a washcloth

Do you have a hot tub?  I can't think of any other advice that others haven't given.  What a shame that we have to go through this.

I just read an article this morning saying that RA isn't near as bad as it was 20 years ago which is a scary thought.  I hate it when my brain relocates to my aching ?.  How much worse can it get?  Forget I asked that; I really don't want to know!

Lots of hugs Roxy!!

I think you have an HMO Cristene.  That would be way worse than what I am going through.  I now have United Health care as my primary provider.  I think they are going to work out to be very good.  I think the issue is now my rd office is dropping the ball.  I am on the edge of tears.  They know what a hard time I have been having.  I have been in tears many times in their office.  How can they be so cruel to not do all they can to make this happen for me.  The rd even said last visit that he is very concerned about permanent damage and we would have to wait and see
Hey roxy, pass the valium...that's good stuff Murphie,  I have only heard good things about United Health Care.  Medco said my copay for THREE MONTHS was only .  Can you believe that.  Now if I can only make it until I get it.  I love your smilies.  Valium is good stuff.  It calmed me down but the pain is still there.  Too bad valium is addictive, it would help me cope with this situation so much better I only had it once when I was getting an mri on my shoulder....I freaked in the machine and had to come back another day on valium   I've never had a problem with United Healthcare..we have the Choice Plus.  *knock on more wood*.  I've been thru 2 surgeries and now humira with them...so they have been good so far. 

OMG  I am on hold and when receptionist answered she did not think I heard but she laughed and said "its for you - you know who.   " 

Get that stupid receptionist's name!  Next time you see your RD, give it to him straight.  Tell him you and your insurance company do not pay his fee in order to get that kind of disrespect.  Tell him there's no excuse for it, and that you'd suggest he somehow screen his applicants for compassion before hiring them.

OMG.  Now I'm just pissed!


What a bitch!!  I agree with Sara I'd put in a formal complaint - its out of order the way you are being treated - not just in terms of pain managment but emotional trauma as well - you phsych yourself up for it and then its taken away - its just so wrong and cruel - I'm praying this'll get sorted soon Roxy I really am. It has been a month since I was prescribed the Humira.  Then had to change to Enbrel because of insurance.   Now going on three weeks just TRYING TO GET WHAT THE DOCTOR PRESCRIBED   RD office said they called in my supply.  I am going to call Medco now.Keep us informed - I'm rooting for you just now Roxy I can only imagine the anger you must feel just now because I feel it for you.   

I think we are gonna have to slap some smart mouth girl at roxy's dr.'s office.I am anxious to hear what you said ot those ________.

Complain to office manager,medical board in your county,state....make it a good lesson for them all.I can't believe the day you are having.

If you don't have a drinking problem then I would have a drink too.Just be careful with those viocodin, don't know if I would mix the two.You just be careful.When we are in pain we can get crazy thoughts and do crazy things.I came very close to od on the muscle relaxers and pain meds. a couple of weeks ago,I had to make myself breath.I was so doped up.You just be careful ok.I hope you have talked to Brett,maybe he can come take care of you.I sure wish I could take care of ya.

Love ya Roxy,

Talked to Medco.  They said RD called in prescription and now their pharmacist will have to "review" prescription which will take 2 -3 days and then they will call me to schedule a delivery.  OK  I have to put my patience hat back on.  Thanks you guys.  Brett is at a training I can't get ahold of him.  I am going to chill out now.  I made myself a list of things I would like to get done.  I am doing one at a time.  It is funny but they are little things like do ONE load of dishes, transplant one plant, ONE Load of laundry, carry in ONE load from the car, (I haven't unpacked yet).  They are all so small, would normally take me about 1 hour but at least I will accomplish something today.  I am not going to say anything to rd because I want to get in asap to get started on the injections so I am going to kiss some butt If he's anything like the one's I've been running into, about 200 years, I'd reckon

I have an even better idea from my last rant.  Document it.  Days, times, names.  Go back to the beginnning of this latest exchange between you and the doctor's employees.  Then when you see him, as you leave, tell him you have somethng for him to peruse.  Hand it to him and tell him it's very important to you that he read it and take some sort of action--that his employees are having a direct effect on his practice and its reputation.  Make the documentation succinct.  You know he'll only get through about a half page.

BTW, if it's any consolation, now that they have the prescription, it's all between you and Medco. You can call them tomorrow maybe, tell them how important it is to you, and ask them to please expedite the process.  Might save a day.  (No more crude receptionists!)  I had Medco as my mail order pharmacy with BC/BS.  They were excellent.  They'll call you and you can tell them when to have it delivered by FedEx.  Shouldn't be more than a few business days after they call you to schedule delivery.  I predict you'll have it within a week.  (Gawd, I hopwe I'm right...

BTW--did you get a 90-day or 30-day prescription?  90 days saves you $$.

Please tell me they're delivering it to your house, as opposed to the doctor's office!  Would hate to think you'll have to wait for that bitch to call you and tell you it's there.I asked for ninety days.  Not sure what they called in.  Medco said they do not have script on computer but they know it is called in and is "being reviewed by pharmacist".  It will be delivered to my house.  That is enough fighting for Enbrel today.  I am exhausted.  Thanks for being in my corner guys

I hate you feel like you gotta kiss butt, but I have done some butt kissing to get medical help,school help...anything for my girls.And today I even did some butt kisssing and signed a contract to get Ultram from my reheumy.

What kind of training does Brett do?I hate you can't get up with him.


Don't worry - I know it's way probably way to complicated to explain but I have no idea at all about how the health system in the US works - I keep trying to piece all the info together but I never quite get there Apparently our medical system isn't so great either.  Not only do you have to fight to prove something is wrong with you, you also have to deal with rude people.  That's not to say we don't have good docs and office staff because we do; it just seems that a lot of us have ran into the same problem and I think it has a lot to do with the disease more than I think anything else.  Sometimes I think it would be easier for them if it was stamped on my forehead.

I understand Julie.  Our systems are very different and BOTH are inadequate and inefficient.  Sheila, my hubby works for the railroad.  He is so cute in his suspenders.  I will show you a pic

Roxy he's lovely.  Lucky Lady! Yes he is loveable and has a good sense of humor.  He would laugh at my comment about the last time my rd got laid.  At least I can be myself around him except he does not know how to support me with the ra.  I don't know how he can either.  One day at a time i understand that comment so much roxy - sometimes I feel as though its made things really tough for David and I - you 2 seem to be doing really well though.  I feel as if no matter what I'm doing or where I am this is always in the back of my mind where as for David - when I'm not there he doesn't have to think about it.  He doesn't have to think at night 'god I'm really uncomfortable the way I'm lying in this bed but it'd probably be sorer to move so I'll just stay where I am'.  it's awful but I just feel so resentful sometimes - he can't win though if he says we'll get through this i feel like  what do you mean we, you don't have this and if he doesn't say anything then I think he doesn't care - its so hard when one person is ill and the other isn't because david and i were like glue before this, we done everything together, we were two of a kind and this RA has broken that for me because i am a different person now and I don't know how to relate because he has always been able to understand me perfectly and he can't understand this,  god I went on a bit there didnt I - don't know where that came from I am with you Julie.  I am having a difficult time finding common ground with Brett since we have always been so active together I'm upset - I just went to bed and then I felt I was going to cry and David went to rub my back and I just wanted to tell him to '''''''''''''''' so I got back up again and here I am.  How do people cope with this relationship thing - GOD I HATE RA it's making me feel like a stranger to myself and David - he is the love of my LIFE and I just feel like we have no chance anymore because we just can't get common ground.  its so sad. Julie,  It is work and worth the work.  Relationships are the most important thing we have in this lifetime.  Keep working at it and try to be more positive.  It will help him to support you

Here you are, at the end of your rope mentally and physically, yet you have to go through all this baloney - calling doctors and nurses and pharmacies and insurance! And they all act like you're just whining and being dramatic. I wish I could jump in there and make some of those phone calls for you!

I've had arthritis for 26 years now and I can't say that it gets easier, but I've gotten tougher (in a good way)! You will too! Just remember, you're in pain, you need your medicine, and no matter how rude some of these people may be, it's their job to help you! Girl, take that Valium if you need to and you hang in there! Keep us posted on how you're doing!


THANKS SO MUCH REBECCA.  It is good to know I am just jumping the ropes and it is what is necessary to make it all happen.  Your experience can help so many of us.  It already helped me.  Please come back and post often. 

You are so right.  I am definitely at my weakest and I have a hard time mustering the strength.  Your post has helped.  Thank you. 

I love a mountain man!He is a real man, you can tell just by looking at him.A mans man.That is what my Jimmy is like.His a fireman and woodcraftsman.I love the long hair.When Jimmy retires from the firestation he is growing his out and letting the beard go.I can't wait.


Yes he is a handsome devil but I am very much in love with his heart and soul.  I am willing to work hard at hanging onto this one
I am so angry to hear about what you have been
having to go through. Inconsiderate,
uncompassionate people should not be allowed in
the medical industry Their primary goal should
be to provide service and support to those hurting,
sick and in pain. You know they say stress can
sometimes cause a flare, and here you are trying to
get relief, but having to go through all this ridiculous
stress-which should be totally unnecessary.

I think the idea about documenting the situation and
giving the info to you rd is a good one, Especially
about all the calls you had to make, lack of
compassion from his office people, etc. He may not
realize just how insensitive his staff is.      I'll be
praying for you that this situation is resolved
immediately. It must be so hard to be away from
Brett too!! By the way, I have United Healthcare and
they are great. Approved my remicade right
off...without a waiting period. I have alot of medical
issues and they have never given me a problem.

Well try to get some rest and hopefully tomorrow all
will be welTara L38602.9371180556Roxy, I am sending even more hugs your way! You know we are all behind you 100%. Thanks you guys.  I am going to try to take it easy today.  I feel like I was run over by a truck.  I have no fight in me.  I once wrote a letter complaining about bookkeeper at my gps.  She still works there and it is uncomfortable.  I think I will wait and see what happens.  These people have my quality of life in their hands and I don't want to do anything to postpone my getting better.  I have sure "leaned on" this board to get me through this.  It definitely makes me feel like I am not alone which is huge to me right now.  My body is really going downhill and I hang onto the stories of how that has been turned around for so many of you on the biologics.  You give me hope

Wow, another terrific photo of your husband.  What a great combo he is....looks and personality and kind.  A rare find, nowadays.

Ok  This is what keeps me going.  My crazy hubby and my kids.  Check these out.  I so miss the outdoors and my exercise, but I still have my babies.  Like my snowman - he was there to greet hubby when he came home from work.  What I do to entertain myself -

I cried like a big fat baby the first time
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