Pain in Knees? | Arthritis Information


My knees were REALLY hurting yesterday and this morning they felt like someone had taken a crow bar to them both.  They're swollen too.  Can this be part of RA?  I know I haven't gotten the actual dx of RA for myself yet but I was just curious if anyone w/ RA has had those symptoms.  I just NOW got my Prednisone thank God.  ;)You can have swelling in either OA or RA. I have OA in mine, but not usually noticeable swelling.  I don't have OA, just RA, and yeah.  My knees get HUGE sometimes and when they do it really hurts.  I mean a lot.  Like I have to use crutches.Yes, you can have pain and swelling from both.  I have RA/OA/PsA all in my knee area.  Sometimes I can't walk and have to wait it out.  They are much better now that RA is in remission.  PsA tends to inflame the tendons and OA doesn't get better. LindyI have both RA & OA in my knees as well. I've had RA for many years and only in the last year was I dx'ed with OA in the knees. Actually only one was confirmed with an MRI; but the doctor thinks it's likely in both. EITHER WAY; it could definately be RA causing the problems. I've suffered with knee problems for years....long before  OA.

I will admit it's been worse those in the last few years and I think that's due to OA.
