Prednisone Dosage Question | Arthritis Information


Before I got this rx for Prednisone-I was on MethylPrednisolone- the 4mg pack of 21 tablets.  (six day thing)  Now my internist finally allowed for me to keep taking Prednisone but it's the actual Prednisone (not Prednisolone) and it's 5mg once daily.  Does that seem kinda low?  I wonder if there are any differences between Prednisolone and Prednisone?  I didn't notice any side effects w/ the Prednisolone so I'm hoping the same for this stuff.  It's OK> Prednisone is converted into Prednisolone by the liver. I know that. "Though prednisone and prednisolone are used in the same manner and equally as effective, they should not be confused with each other. Prednisone is activated by the liver into prednisolone. For this reason, and because it is more easily absorbed, prednisolone is the drug of choice when hepatic disease or insufficiency is present."
_popupControl(); hi monet... i have been on prednisone for 13yrs.. mainly 7.5mg while
combined whith a dmrd.. i have had to up the dosage recently due to having
no other meds.. you have not said what meds you are on or how long..
your doc will try to keep you on the lowest dose that works.
if you have just started a dmrd he may try whithdraw the pred as the dmrd kicks in.
i needed both to keep ra at bay..
Hi Boney- Other than meds for my polycystic ovarian syndrome (Metformin works for PCOS) I'm just using the Prednisone for the joint pain.  They tried me on Mobic but that was a joke and the Celebrex tore my stomach to shreds.  hi monet .. i have not heard of pcos.. probably because i am male..  LOL... Yeah I doubt you would have heard of PCOS then.  haha.  
My internist feels I have sero negative RA but I have to meet w/ a Rheumy on the 30th.  I saw one Rheumy awhile back but because the blood work came back fine she said "Ahh...well you probably have Fibromyalgia and you just had a baby so maybe that's it"  So I felt like she was blowing me off.  So we will see what this next Rheumy says.  She (the first Rheumy) seemed very new whereas this one I'm seeing has been in practice since the 1970's.  I just hope they see past the blood work.  I'm a pretty healthy woman and I have never ever had this kind of pain before in my entire life.  
Oh and no PCOS doesn't have an effect on joints-it affects fertility but evidently not mine! LOL. ;)  hi monet thanks for the explain. i hope they find out what is going on
soon. iwas diagnosed ra straight away.. but have found even when my bloods
look really good and little inflamation is visible i can still be in a lot of pain..
and the doc just says well your blood work is ok.. like its all the mind..
anyways.. i hope you get your answer..
