So maybe I'm just allergic to work.... | Arthritis Information


So I posted earlier that my fingers and wrists have been swelling just before I take my daily prednisone and begins to feel better in the evening.  Well I was off work yesterday (I'm a teacher) and I laid around the house all day and did pretty much nothing.  Guess what, no swelling at all!  I went to work today and I started to swell up again.  So I figure maybe I'm just allergic to work...right? 

But really, since this is all very new to me I was wondering does the amount of activity effect RA?  Can it make your symptoms worse?  Maybe it's not RA at all...I have not been officially diagnosed yet.
Activity definitely affects how you feel.  I am also a teacher(7th grade science).  I feel the best during the summer months.  I used to work a second job during the breaks but my RD convinced me to take the time off.  Yes, I need the added income.  But, I also need to be able to work full time as long as possible.
Sounds like you line of work causes stress. Yeah, activity effects it. Especially if your disease is still not controlled well. Oh and stress can cause it too.
But if it makes you feel better to think you are allergic to work, then I will tell you it is that. I teach 6th yes its safe to say there is a stress level there.  Does stress play a role in all of this???
[QUOTE=Hayley]I teach 6th yes its safe to say there is a stress level there.  Does stress play a role in all of this???Hayley[/QUOTE] I have found that since getting this RA thingie I'm more prone to stress than ever.
Even when I do not think it is stressful I sit down and work it out that I simply do not want to be where I am.
I first notice a tightening around the neck area, then I might start to get the shakes.
If I had to be where ever for a few days I then start to get the pains and so forth coming back.
This is very simplified of coarse but non the less, stress does play a big part for me.
I tend to swell more when I am stressed or feel like I am coming down with something, when I am not. I just feel swelled and ran down when I get stressed.
Stress will affect you if you are perfectly healthy. If you are sick, it's compounded.

 Teaching's a busy job...once that bell rings and the kids start flowing through the doors, the show must go on no matter how  tired, stressed and aching  you feel. I used to go like the wind from Monday to Friday, then crash all weekend.  

hi haley.. i worked for the first 4yrs of ra. i was then stopped by the hospital
i was told just the journey to and from work and doing no actual work
will flare my condition.. there are times i feel really good and think i will
go back to work and then i atempt some simple tasks and reality hits home..
my only advice can be work while you can because when its over its over..
[QUOTE=Hayley]I teach 6th yes its safe to say there is a stress level there.  Does stress play a role in all of this???
Big time! Stress definately plays a role in this.
Thanks for all of your replies!  I guess I'll try to keep the stress a little more at bay! 
I go to the RD on the 30th so I'll be anxious to see what he thinks.  I'll be nice to get the official word on whether or not this is RA.  I do have a bad feeling that is what it symptoms sure sound a lot like everyone elses.  And I did have weakly positive results for RA Factor and CRP.  So we'll see.
