Probably a stupid question | Arthritis Information


I was wondering can our bones swell and become painful, like our joints do?bones do not swellOk. Just wondering. Sometimes a bone will feel like it is swelled, but I guess it is just the soft tissue around it that is swelled.

Thanks for the answer, Buckeye. Yes, they can.  My orthopedist has shown me (on my MRI films) bone edema in one of my lumbar vertebrae and tells me that is a large part of my pain in that area.  It is actually the bone marrow that swells, not the bone itself, and it is generally indicative of osteoarthritis.  Anyway, although I couldn't find a good source with a definition, here's a couple of pages that refer to bone edema:
joonie, do you think you might have bone edema?  In which area?
InnerGlow2008-04-18 13:35:24Bones can swell, usually because of an infection in the bone, but other reasons as well.
I do get bone swelling (or stuff in the bone) that my doctor can't figure out in my calves.  It can be my most painful area.
the bones themselves don't swell...the marrow might, the surrounding soft tissue might but the bones themselves do noti do have 1 bone that swells a lot.. LMAO @ Boney!
InnerGlow, I was asking because last night when my knees starting acting up and hurting and the crap they do, only certain parts of my knee was tender to the touch. I could feel the bone, like there was no swelling there. And I was just wondering if a bone could swell. Because where my knees are hurting there is little to no swelling, but where the swelling is it does not hurt.
Thanks for the links as well... very interesting! 
I think we now know where Boney got his name!  Would they be able to see this on a regular xray?
(LOL Boney!!)
well mrsa if that questions for me i dont know about xray..
more like..  Microscope and Tweezers...  If it weren't for the gutter, my mind would be homeless.  HAHAHAHAHA!!!! No, no, no!! Wrong thing, Boney!!!
I'm laughing so hard I have tears!!!
I was referring to the bone edema marrow swelling stuff!! (Out of the gutter! I'm asking a serious question!
OOOOPS   my little secrets out now   You guys are funny !!!