Enbrel Stops Working? | Arthritis Information


I've been on Enbrel for 3-4 months with great improvement.  I was only having occasional mild pain, but I did gain a bit of weight.  I was injecting once a week, alternating between my front thighs. 

I was getting pretty bad site reactions, so I thought I'd try injecting in my abdomen to see what would happen.  I've done that for the last two weeks and still get the site reactions. 

But, this week, my wrist also swelled up and I have also regressed back to having some pretty bad pain.
So, I am wondering if the Enbrel has lost it effectivness on me after working so well for a few months or if for some reason inecting the Enbrel in my abdomen just doesn't work.  I will be injecting in my thighs again next time around (Monday).
Does anybody have any thoughts on this?  Has this happened to anybody else?

Hi and welcome.  I don't think it matters if you inject thighs or abdomen.  You do need to call your RD and get an appt.  to be examined and possibly have some labs.  Sometimes biologics and dmards all of a sudden fail.  He may keep you on Enbrel for another month or so, just to be sure.  Take care and let us know how it goes.  Lindy
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