Do your knees do this? | Arthritis Information


Ok, when I start to get the swelling back in my knees, my knees will be very sensitive to twisting or even feeling like the joints do not align right. It is very painful. There is usually one on position I can have them in that helps ease the pain, but it is very painful to find that one position.

My knees the since the other night have been swelled big, RD made note of it, and I have been having a really hard time walking. Because they feel like they are unstable.
You know what a tower of blocks looks like? Now put a fluffy pillow between 2 of the blocks and try to align them. That is how my knees feel they are doing. It is like my ligaments, muscles and whatever else keeps your knees aligned are not doing their job. But of course how can they when there is inflammation pressing the bones outward or even inward.
It just feels like my knee cavity is much bigger than my joint and it is not confining my joint to a limited area like it normally does, so my joint is much weaker and allows for things to not meet right or even let me twist or hurt them more easily.
I have the shoot to your head pain from just sitting down. My leg muscles feel so weak and tonight went to wal-mart with my mommy and my hip and buttock muscles were very painful and feeling like I over used them, and that was just walking from the car into the store.
My mommy kept asking me if I was ok, she said I looked like I was in pain. I was like nope doing good. But she knew I was lying. I had done broke out into a cold sweat from the pain, but I worked thru it. It was a slow going, but I made the whole round of the store and made it back to my prize, the bench LMAO!! See there is always a prize at the finish line... for me it is a bench.
Well, I am off to take a pain pill, muscle relaxer, nortriptyline and I guess my pred. And hope I can raise my legs up high enough to get into the bed without too much pain. I love the computer chair, it is high enough I can slide out of it, there is no raising up.
My calf muscles feel sore, like I walked a million bajillion miles today. And all I did was walk from the car into wal-mart and full circle around wal-mart and back to the car. My muscles feel like they are stressed, the muscle in my calves are doing big twitches... I guess they can be called spasms, do not know. Just know my calf muscles feel REALLY tight and are twitching. My calf and some of my thigh muscles scream with soreness when I walk or move my legs.
I wonder if this water retention is effecting my muscles in some way. I mean this is kinda a new thing that my muscle being REALLY sore while flaring. Or maybe I just did not pay it that much attention before and just focused on other problems... like people staring at me while I am walking all slow and hunched over and looking like I am knocking on deaths door from all the pain and troubles moving about. 
I now weigh 176 as of RD appt. Before being put on Coreg I weighed 164. I am retaining that much water. But none of my dr's want to give me anything for it. So... I am stuck not fitting into my once loose fitting pants and looking like I weigh 200lbs until this whole high BP stuff gets straightened out, if ever. I am hoping I actually do not have high BP, that is what I am going on for now.
Oh and when I got weighed in at RD appt, the scale weights were all down to the 0's and then the girl moved the big one first and you know what # she moved it to first? the 200lb mark!!!! I was like WTH?! I looked at her and said yeah... you might want to put that back down on the 150 mark. So... she did. But MY GOD! I have NEVER had anyone to put the scale weight on the 200lb mark, not even when I was pregnant! I guess I am retaining that much water that I look like I am over 200lbs! Grant it I am only 24 more pounds from that mark, but talk about making someone feel worse than they were already feeling because of a side effect of a new med is making them "fatter"!
Oh well... I am going to see if I can sleep. I am tired but hubby is hogging the bed and I cannot get comfortable enough to fall asleep. PLUS I was watching what not to wear.
When I read your posts I ask myself- How does this woman take this day in and day out?
Hope you found some relief.
Joonie....that's EXACTLY how my knees feel when they are swollen.  Hope you can get the swelling down and feel better. Linncn2008-04-19 05:28:37I agree that your description of the pillow between blocks is perfect!!  Exactly how i feel when I'm in a flare.
I am sorry you are feeling so bad now.  Take your pain meds at the same time every day... It worked great for me to do that.. It's a more consistant relief than I found otherwise..
hang in there  your knees feel that way because you have wasted quad muscles and weakened support tissue
hi joonie.. whith all that water retention you could be the water bed.. seriouse now.. i have knees that now face inwards.. xrays show mild erosions
and the surgeon said the spaces in the knee are now filled whith fluid and
pushing my knees inward.. i asked if they could be straightend whith splints.
but he said to push them back my knees would need to be broken..
and said it was more to do whith my meds and treatment of ra..
but as i am stuck whith pred and no dmrd. nothing has changed..
just trying to say i hope you get sorted out.. but things are not so straightforeward
[QUOTE=buckeye]your knees feel that way because you have wasted quad muscles and weakened support tissue
I know I need PT. I was working on that, but then rest of this crap cropped up and now I have to deal with all of it. And find people to take me to dr appt after dr appt.
If memory serves me correct the last time my knees and hip felt like this was august of last year, when I had a fibro flare & RA flare at the same time. Which a month later I went to the ER for the same problem.
My muscles do not feel sore that all the time, only when I am flaring. When I was doing so well while on the Remicade I done a lot of walking and for me some "power" walking; you would think with all that I done when I felt good my muscles would have been sore like they are now, but they did not even feel sore.  Which trying to keep up with hubby. I made that my goal to keep up with hubby, and most times I did until my right hip started getting worse again.
When I read your posts I ask myself- How does this woman take this day in and day out?
Hope you found some relief.
Because it is not an everyday occerance. [QUOTE=buckeye]your knees feel that way because you have wasted quad muscles and weakened support tissue