Thinking about AP | Arthritis Information


I currently do not have a rheumatologist. I know I need to do something as going off plaq has proven a very negative experience. I can hardly get out of bed in the mornings right now. I see my internist on the 29th but I really do not think she knows much about RA, let alone AP. How can I get a list of AP doctors. I'm willing to travel. Is there anyone in Iowa that provides this treatment. This is where my dtr lives and I am willing to travel there. I went to and cannot find a list of physicians. Thanks all.Iowa has one of the Kings of AP.  Literally in a cornfield.  Go to and lurk.  There are instructions for getting a list of docs sent to you.

Good Luck finding an AP Dr, Lorster!

Hi Lori, am happy that you're headed in this direction.  Take care.  Lindy

Pip, why isn't there a list of AP physicians available to individuals on the Road Back site?  Either a doc is an AP doc along with his/her other treatments or they're not, and wouldn't be on the list. 

Lorster....hope you can find something that works.There is - you just have to follow the instructions and they'll mail you some names.  There are very few 'just AP' docs and very few truly versed in all it's ramifications.  You have to remember these guys were called quacks until the MIRA study came out in '89 or there abouts.  Many rheumys still think the same thing even with all the studies etc.  Doesn't make anybody really want to look into this.  Some guys will try with a patient who insists, get on the list, then run into the usual problems (doesn't know about the probiotics) etc and then not be into it anymore.  Some with have huge success and get on the 'flavor of the month' bandwagon.  (To D or not to D; that is the question, whether or not it is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows of the AMA or...). 
The names are a start. 
The Arthritis Trust has a list of doctors who do antibotic protocol.  It is on their website.Lori - best of luck, AP minocin worked for me.  I am finally not feeling sick, fatigued, malaise, frain bog improved, everything.  But its not a cure all for sure - keep us informed girl, love ya Cathy