Does anyone know how GrammaSkittles is doing? | Arthritis Information


I miss GrandmaSkittles! Does anyone know what's up with her?No Gimpy, haven't heard a thing, hope shes ok, wasn't she over on RA Sushi as well, maybe they can tell us?  Janie. I've noticed alot of the "regulars" have disappeared.She's doing well!! She's still doing PT for the knee AND she quit smoking!! WEEHOO!! Last night she got to meet her grandson for the first time.  She has a jam-packed weekend planned with the family. I'll let her know you guys are asking about her!

Hope everyone has a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! *hugs*
That is great to hear that she stopped smoking and is doing better. Oh and even more that she gets to see her grandson!I'm glad she's doing great! She does have a way of staying on top---it's that positive attitude of hers.

Thanks for the info!