Vitamin D | Arthritis Information


My Vitamin D level is low and I have to go on 1600 IU daily, but I am wondering if you get the same value from the sun, thru glass, as you do outside.  Does anyone know?

GG - did they run all 4 D tests?  Some of us are "Vitamin D hypersensitive" and it's the ratios that will hurt us. 

The sun, thru glass even, is best (if you're into D).  Glass can make you burn so careful.
Gee Pip, I am not sure if they ran the 4 D test's or not.  I will call Monday and find out.  I am very careful about burning as I have had several basil cell carcinoma's removed. 
Thanks Pip!
Let us know!
Just you know what your level was?  Mine is always low too.   They started me out on 1,000 iu  daily and now I am up to 2,000.   My RD clinic has their own special kind that I have to buy there.  It is vit D-3 she says it is absorbed easier than regular vit D. I think blood levels fluctuate quite a bit, because my second test was lower than the first.  I am also african american and we tend to have low levels  (although I am very very fair complexed) because increase pigment decreases absorption from the sun. I think they only have done one kind of test on me. My levels have ranged from16 to 25.  The goal is to get it to 35.I do not know what my level was.  I will also find that out when I call about the 4 D test.  I will keep you posted.   Mine was low too.  RD put me on 50,000 IU a week. Dr. Mercola has a good video on his website about Vitamin D and the sun - you need to stay outside, w/o any sunscreen, until your skin turns light pink - then you've "made enough" of your own. Ah the great Vitamin D controversy. I was just watching this incredibly long lecture about Vitamin D on You Tube when I checked in here and saw this post.

Here's a 7 minute video on You Tube from some guy who explains in easy-to-understand layman's terms the OTHER scientific theory about Vitamin D. You decide! (And then tell me 'cause I'm still investigating...) have to take 5,000 units of vit d3 for 4 months, just to get mine up to a normal level.vitamin D helps calcium to absorb into the bones. The calcium tablets i take have vitamin D in with it.
I was tested by my endo for the 1.25 dihydroxy D ..  all the D's actually, etc and calcium for the correlation between them..  I was below 5 in my D3 and have been given 50,000 iu 3 X over months and take 1000 a day now.  I will be tested again in May to see if I am maintaining a number well over 30 preferably close to 50.(I am a woman in menopause over 50).  I was desperately low in D... and my bones hurt to be touched (aside from the joint aches of RA) ... I no longer have that issue.   yay!!
I listened to half the video posted .. only half cause my lap top's audio stinks..
the part I got was that doctors are looking at the wrong vitamin D?  for chronic illnesses they should pay attention to the 1,25 dihydroxy??
Mine is low too. My OB found it during a routine exam a few months back. I took the high doses (One a day, One a week, One a month type thing. Can't remember the mg). My RD just retested it this past week while I was there and said he'd let me know what it was.
