Shoot me now | Arthritis Information


The joint at the base of my middle left finger seems to be getting very slightly redder. I'm not concerned about that as much as it has been hurting and it's getting tender on the palm side and a tiny bit of warmth. I'm thinking this might be an early sign of OA as it doesn't have any company with the same full symptoms among the other hand joints just yet.

I am sorry, Mike. Oh and we do not allow shooting others on the board. I thought you didn't get redness with OA.Seems like I read if it's the base joints near the palm and/or the middle joints it's RA, if it's middle and end joints on the fingers or tumb joints it's more likely OA.   I do not get the redness but when my hands hurt it starts with the

middle finger all the way to the palm. Ra.
Just exersize your fingers and you will not have to get the gun out.
                                                                                           shoot me while you are at it.  relieve my husband of my misery and my expense.   my kids can live without me.  my husband will be celebrating!   i am just a liability.   quite expensive liability!   wonderwomanShoot me three! My thumbs, and first two fingers are red, swollen and painful. I believe it's ra, that's what dr told me. Mine hurt on both hands but right is worse.
ha  ha I was thinking since it was just that one joint it would be OA. I can't say there's enough redness yet--but it's becoming noticeable. If it sticks around or gets worse or gets more hand/finger joints doing the same thing I'll be in trouble. 

I've got some decidedly red spots on some toe joints, but there's osteophytes there and I attribute the redness to rubbing.

BTW I'm not advocating violence--not even mercy killing--but it's distressing to see this sort of thing even if you accept the fact that you're sick.
mab522008-04-19 20:31:06Did you have red joints when you went to your RD appt?
If not, maybe you should take a picture of your red swollen middle finger... of course with your hand in the form of flipping someone off... and then take the picture to the Dr who told you nothing wrong with you. ... of course with your hand in the form of flipping someone off... and then take the picture
