JA in 16 yrs old teen with no diagnosis. Help... | Arthritis Information


I'm 16 years old and I had intermittent attacks of arthritis ever since January. I have so many other symptoms like teal freckles on my fingers, hand rashes, white-pus blisters on the back of my hand, cracking skin, mild-severe pain in/or around my joints (which has spread to almost every joint in my body, literally, frequent urination, excessive eating, bouts of fatigue, eye pain and headaches. I don't know if those are all related but... it has gotten tremendously better since January (I couldn't even move my joints without hurting) but it just spread yesterday to my jaw. Now it hurts when I eat sometimes...

The doctors all think I'm some crazy mental guy who seems healthy (therefore I'm not sick right? (sarcasm)). My mom doesn't even know what the heck is going on, she doesn't even know what arthritis is despite the fact that I told her that I probably had it when it all started. No one seems to realize what I'm going through right now because I'm a really competitive student ranked number one at a high school. I have very ambitious dreams of getting into a good college. I'm very sad that I have arthritis and I'm just seeing it spread as I study. I feel like I'm being overwhelmed with school work and now this. I'm sad....
Does anyone know what type of arthritis I might have? My joints have not been extremely swollen but have had redness and heat. They also had physical characteristics like grinding, popping, and other noises that were once abnormal. There were times when I couldn't walk without the sides of my hips hurting like someone just stabbed me there (only when I put force on my feet). My grades are dropping due to all of this. I don't know what to do... Should I tell my teachers about this? I feel like they will just put it off like it's nothing and not that severe. The attacks are rather intermittent and I definitely have had remissions in between and gotten better from before... Help please....Hello Omega , You may have Ra but you need to get into your Dr and get some
test done and let the Dr check out your joints . There are medications that can help you
with all the pain you are having .
If no one will listen to you you should let a teacher or counselor know what is going
on with you .
It is awfully scary when you have no idea what is wrong you just know something is .
Good luck to you !!
u need to go to a rhuematologist because they actually specialize in it and know what they are looking for . Not all family drs know what they are looking at with ra. An ra dr is specialized in ra especially but also in other autoimmune diseases.bumpHeya, im 16 and have severe JRA in all my joints and im on some pretty hardcore drugs for it, it sounds like you have JRA too, i get headaches all the time and my joints were red and warm too when it was really bad. I would STRONGLY suggest taking ibuprofen 200mg, two tablets every 2 to 4 hours and see if there is any improvement. If your headaches are like mine, like it feels like there is a tight band around your head and it wont go away, the only thing that works for me is codeine, a shower then a nap because they are brought on by physical and or emotional stress so the best thing for them is rest. Go see your doctor and ask for a bloodtest for your CRP (C Reactive Protein) it's a protein that is produced when you have excessive inflammation so its the main indicator to whether you have arthritis or not. And if you have too much CRP then your doctor should refer you to a Rheumatologist.

Good Luck, and take ibuprofen!!!!!!!
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