Medrol again | Arthritis Information


A couple weeks ago, I asked for advice regarding Medrol (methylprednisolone) and have finally gotten up the nerve to take it. I'd been experiencing a lot of nausea prior to taking it and had gotten really sick from Mobic. Surprisingly, the Medrol took away the nausea. After two days, the numbness in my hands went away, and after four days the pain in my wrists and feet was much better. It also improved my energy and hasn't turned me into a raving b_____, which I've heard happens to some people on corticosteroids. Actually, it seems to have improved my mood a little.

I have had a few side effects though and am wondering if anyone has any experience dealing with either of these:

Chest pain, right under my left ribs. It feels a little like a side ache but more intense and only occurs when I am biking or hiking. It goes away when I rest. I am a runner and haven't had side aches in years.

Intense cramps in my calves, also mostly present when exercising, though my calves remain tight and knotted afterwards.

I skipped my dose one day to see if the side effects would go away and they did, but I also got an intense headache and was really stiff and sore the next morning, so that wasn't such a good trade off.

Thanks for any response,


first off, anytime you've been on corticosteroids do not suddenly stop taking can cause adrenal failure if you've been on it long enough as your body stops producing cortisol...and it takes time to start producing it again.  friend of mine came very close to dying because of it.  i don't say that to scare you...just be cautious.

the chest pain, call your rheumy about.  it might be pleurisy, which is fairly common with RA or it could be a ton of other things.  even inflammation of the sternum (costchondritis) which has caused some people to swear they are having a heart attack.  

i hope i don't sound too negative to you...but just wanted to warn ya.

Thanks Wayney,

I had only been on the Medrol for four days (8 mgs a day) so I didn't think it would be a problem going off it, but clearly my body had already decided it didn't need to keep producing cortisol on its own. I called my doctor and she is having me go off it much more slowly--really slowly.


When I was first on pred. I was absolutely euphoric.  I was for many months.  The bad stuff comes later.  Get on some good meds

I have chest pains alot myself....actually it's in those breast bones. I've had to increase my medication several times to control it. Over the last couple of years that is the first thing to act up when my medicine starts to wear off...or begin to be less effective. I'm not sure what medication you're on...But I take MTX & Humira and everytime I've increased either of those it took care of the problem right away.

Good Luck to you.

I am not on any medication now except the medrol. I was just diagnosed and my doc wanted to see how I responded to medrol as kind of a confirmation since my symptom picture is not real clear, though I do have positive RF. I didn't have chest pain until I took the medrol and it went away when I went off it. I am now down from 8mg to 6 and no chest pain, but it is also much less effective. Funny how 2 measly milligrams can make such a difference. I have headaches, pain in my ankles and wrists and fatigue, which all went away at 8. Seems kind of miraculous, doesn't it.