any men on fosamax | Arthritis Information


hi. Men... i have been on and off fosamax for about 8yrs now.. a few years ago
i was being monitored for chronic leukemia due to high white blood count.
when i got a letter to say my red blood count was high and i needed to go for
another blood  test as if it was still high blood needed to be drawn off..
i had not long restarted fosamax and thought this may be causing the prob.
as i was allso getting embarasing probs down below. and put 2 +2  together
and thought ohoh to much blood.. anyway i stopped the fosamax and had a blood
test 2wks later and red count was down and embarasing prob went down to.
i do take the fosamax but stop and start it . dont know if i am doing myself
any favours .. i wonderd if any one had this prob..


I have supposed to have been on fosomax for the last 21/2 years but due to another "i'm smarter than my doctor" faults, i haven't taken it. I just had a bone density scan done and last years scan showed my range was with-in normal for my age but this scan showed bone loss and just below the average norm. This year I have started being much more active and using more calcium. Bone grows best when bones are being used so the more sedentary we are the more bone loss we can expect.........................LEV
Hi guys. I'm not a guy, but I felt compelled to say, please, please take the Fosomax if it has been determined that you are losing bone.
I have just found out the hard way that I have Osteoporosis. I'd been having pain in my groin since Jan. and it got to the point that I could not bear weight on that  side and could not walk. All my docs thought it was arthritic hip. But when they sent me to an orthopedic surgeon to check the hip, he ordered an MRI. This showed 2 fractures in my pelvis! Everyone was really surprised. This was enough to diagnose osteoporosis.
I really didn't think anything else could go wrong with my poor, old bones, but I was sure wrong. So just be careful, guys. Take your meds!
Hugs, Nini
PS I'm allergic to fosomax, so they have me on once-a-week Actonel.
hi Levlarry.. i have seen that impact helps against  osteoporosis.the prob is the joints
dont like the impact.. at least you are getting the scans and can try tackle any probs
that occur. unlike my one dexa scan in all these  years.. i may be taking fosamax.
but its still nice to know whats going on. there is no quarantee it is working..
i see you have ra for over 22yrs i wonderd how your joints are after all those years.
and how you are getting on whith the meds..
sometimes i think the best  i can hope for is.. burnt out ra.. but even that has its own
complications ...   Boney

hi Nini.. gees what a way to find out you have osteoporosis are you on pred..
if so did they dexa scans. i thought scans were given yearly.. but it took a lot of
moaning to get one.. were you given the meds and never took them. or were you not given any..thanks for the eye opener....... Boney
