Good Lord!!!! | Arthritis Information


 sheeeesh.. will it never end?

Yesterday I went to  Kmart with the baby so I could get  a bird bath and a kite for his sister..  nuthin big.. just a nice saturday  ..
 I got to the van and put  Jakie, still in the cart  over next to his door , then went to the rear of the van to load it, and WHANMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM the lift back (hatch gate) whatever the hell they call it fell straight down and hit me on top of my head... Remember I'm just 4 '10  so it had a lot of room to fall.
 Knocked me flat and believe me I saw stars and fireworks and little birdies tweeting..   I crawled over to  the side door and got it open and sat inside  the door holding my head and crying..  a very very sweet woman came over to see if I needed any help.. She called  Mark (who was at the library) then went into the store and arranged for an ice pack..
 a couple minutes  later one police car arrived and   cancelled the ambulance.. when I explained Mark would take me directly to the hospital (literally within sight) He arrived with the second police car and  took me to the ER where they kept me for a few hours and gave me some very nice meds for the nausea and dizziness and pain...
when we finally got home we looked at the lift gate and discovered the hydraulic lift had sheared off right at the  window area, it went up... but  didnt stay up..
 sheeesh.. and I still have to set up the bird bath.
Yikes!  Glad you're OK - and thank God for the Good Samaritans lurking among us!!!!

Hope your recovery is quick and uneventful.  Check with the car manufacturer/dealer to see if you can get them to at least fix the car.
Wow, Kathy that sounds awful.  That must have hurt so much.  I'm glad you weren't more seriously injured.  Just take it easy for a couple of days - head injuries are serious stuff.A hit like that on the top of the head, geez, that must have jarred your whole skeleton.  Hope you're feeling better today.  :)hi kathy that sounds really nasty.. i hope all is ok..
Oh ! How that must have hurt and scare you . So glad that lady came over to help
you .
Hope you are feeling better .
I am so sorry to hear about your terrible accident.  Thank heavens that nice lady helped you out!  Did your little one know Mommy was hurt?  If so, it must have been really fightening for them.  Hope you get well and back to normal real soon!  Ow! Ow!  I feel your pain!  How awful.  I'm so glad you were able to go home from the hospital right away.  It could have been much more serious.  I would definitely mention your injury to the dealership and if you get no satisfaction, write a letter to the manufacturer.  Their legal department may advise the dealer to take care of your car.  That should not have happened.  Ow! That hurts just reading it. Hope you feel better soon! I'm so sorry about your poor little head!! That hurts to read about it. I'm so glad it wasn't more serious.
I agree that you should tell the car mfgr. They should be held responsible for at least, fixing your car.
Fell better!
Hugs, Nini
edited: I can't believe I typed "fell better"! Of course, I meant "FEEL BETTER"
My truck that i had, the back gate was always doing that.... cars wear out too,
I'm soo glad someone came over to you and you had help right away..
is Mark your hubby, then HE can put up the birdbath!!! lol
feel better soon~
ps: there was one wk, that my taildoor, whacked me in the eye and also i had a broken finger (from playing w/ my then bf)... i told him, that people probably thought he was abusing me!!! LOL..
OMG, your poor head!   oh damn...that must have hurt!!  So glad someone was there to help u!Thanks guys
I really am feeling much better. I have a dull headache and it hurts to turn my head  but over all I'm fine.
 The little guy didn't see it happen so he was ok.. and the samaritan put him into his car seat.. after asking my permission and making sure I told him it was ok for her to pick him up.. she was lovely..
Yeah Mark is hubby, and he was so sweet and concerned..  and the van is older not under warranty  but  I have an appt to get it fixed this week..
So Sorry to hear this.  Yes, call the dealer about it if it was a defect.
Take care.
