iron deficiency | Arthritis Information


Does anyone know if having RA causes you to have low iron? I am always tired, even after getting about 8 or 9 hours of sleep? I am wondering if it's common with RA to have low iron? Rose,

Keep in mind that if you have rheumatoid arthritis you probably have a suitcase of fatigue that goes with the journey. I thinks it's best to consider how you would feel if your body were fighting some serious bug. All you would want to do is sleep. Keep in mind that your immune system is working overtime as if fighting a very serious bug 24 hours a day, you should be fatigued. If you have an anemia, seems to me that it would show up in the lab work but, be sure to ask your healthcare professional. Also click on this post where a doctor discusses fatigue associated with rheumatoid arthritis................................LEV
Dr. Belza Discusses Fatigue
By levlarry, 16?November?2007 at 7:44pm
It does in my book.
I have anemia of chronic disease.  There doesn't seem to be any other reason for it,  just the chronic RA.  In fact I just got home from my Hematologist and I'm going in for another iron infusion next week when I get home from my surgery.  The last one last ed almost 18 months but now my iron level is back down to 10.  I don't cope well with iron tablets and the regular iron injections didn't work so now I get an iron infusion, it takes about 4-5 hours at the hospital not unlike a chemo infusion or remicade or something like that.Rose
Ask your dr if your fatigue is due to low iron levels. A cbc ( complete blood count) will tell the dr. if your hemoglobin and RBC's are low
Rose, i suffer with chronic anemia due To my RA, I am being monitored for it and take ferrous sulphate for it. I get shallow breathing and exteme tiredness