August 17, 2013 | Arthritis Information


This marks 25 years at my current job. It will also be the last day I work. I feel good about that. I think 25 years at the bedside is long enough and I am putting all my affairs in order, paying off all my debt and will not work as a nurse one day longer. I'm not an angry nurse, just a tired one at this point. My back hurts, my joints hurt. I cannot do this much longer. My body is rebelling. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the first time in a very long time and I feel so good about it.Well happy soon to be anniversary! My sis is an rn and it takes a special person to be one! My hat's off to you.

April 2012 is my date but it's because our house will be paid off! 4 MORE YEARS! That will be a huge relief and then we can get a new truck. My hubby has never had a new truck and he has worked so hard and deserves it so much! I hope his truck now holds on til then! LOL
Oh man cindee, I wish we had the house paid off. That will be many more years. I'm excited about retirement at age 52. Maybe I'll do volunteer work and travel more with my husband. Congrats and put  your feet up!

25 years is 7 more than I lasted.  I left surgical nursing after 18 years and I never looked back.  Making the decision is more difficult than leaving on August 25th will be.  I agonized over the decision as I know you have.  My body was shot when I finally left nursing and I tell you my mind wasn't far behind.  I'm very happy for you.  Lindy

Lindy. Since making this decision, I have actually been very happy. I am ok with this. I feel great about the decision. My husband tells me to retire sooner if I feel the need but I will do this for 5 more years unless I win the lottery and can quit sooner, lol.