My daughter was in a car accident | Arthritis Information


As if nothing else could go wrong it does.  Last week my 16yr old daughter was in a car accident. Another little girl had pulled out in front of her. My husband called me and told me they took her to the hospital in an ambulance. She had surgery on her arm about 10.30 at night when this happened at 7.00 in the morning.  They put a plate and six pin's in her right arm.  She was so upset because she had a Volleyball tournament last weekend and a college recruiter was there to see her. She looks at me with those teared filled eyes and Say's "Mom it's been a bad week for me" I cupped her little face in my hands and said know it's not "it's a good week you are alive".  Then we both started crying.  What bothers me the most is that after she had the wreak she tried to call me.  And because of this stupid RA my husband took the phone out of our room so I could get some sleep.  Didn't hear her call .  I will never forgive myself for that.....I'm so sorry!  I wouldn't worry about the call--like you said, she is safe & alive.  I hope she recovers as quickly as possible.  Thoughts & prayers are with you!!Nut -

Don't beat your self up.  Please.  Like you said, there was a miracle!  Hugs to you.  You're a good loving mom.
Wow.  That's scary.  My daughter's just finishing up driver's ed this week.  I'm so glad your girl is going to be ok.  Do the doc's give a prognosis on her arm? I guess that it's attatched to a healthy, living body is more than wonderful enough, huh?
Don't guilt yourself over the phone.  Why is it our natural tendancy to find something to feel guilty over?  You were/are their for your daughter and she's ok.  That's what counts.
Hey, that's terrible!  I'm so glad that everyone's alright though! Don't beat yourself up over the phone thing, you CANNOT plan for an emergency. The most important thing is that your daughter is OK and will have every chance to impress those volleyball recruiters next year!

*hugs*  _popupControl(); Nut- How awful for your daughter but she is alive and that is the most important thing in the world. Dont beat yourself up, you couldnt have foreseen the accident . I wish her a very speedy recoveryI'm so glad she is going to be okay, and like everybody else said, don't worry about the phone!  You could have just as easily been in the shower or something.  It might have been more upsetting to both of you if she had reached you from the scene - I know I would have freaked out. That's so scary! Glad to hear she's going to be ok. I have a teenage I know how scary that is.Awwww... I am sorry to hear about your daughter, a-nut! Glad she is going to be ok.
Much hugs to you!
Must have been so scary for you glad your daughter is going to be ok.Sometimes you just want to bubble-rap them.  I know that  not real life.  She is a Strong willed little girl.  Really I am not looking for pity, it's been a tough year. I have know one that really understand what this disease does to you.  When it starts to inter fear with my being a mom that's where I put my foot down. RA and I are on a mission to part ways. Some how I have got to get a grip on this. Thank you all for all your support I came to the right place.God bless you and your daughter.   speedy recovery to your daughter.   she has the best mom in the whole world.   God picked you out p-nut to be her mom RA and all.hi nut sorry to be  reading about your daughter.. i wish her a speedy recovery

How awful!  Each of us with driving children feel your pain and horror at what happened.  Someone was watching out for her and that's why she's alive and will be OK.  That someone was also watching out for you because you needed your rest to be strong for her later.  It's not your fault she couldn't reach you by phone.  That rest allowed you to be there for her for the long term, feeling rested and able to cope.  Things work out the way they're supposed to. 

That must have been scary for both of you. Thank goodness she'll recover.   While you'd like to be there for your kids 24x7, it doesn't always happen, so try not to dwell on it.   Will she be able to start up volleyball again next season?  She must be an awesome player to have a recruiter interested. 

Well, I am just glad to hear she is okay. Sounds like you have a good relationship and that you communicate well. Most important stuff with kids.

Somehow with RA it feels like we just can't take one more more bit of external stress and we will just crack...I can relate.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both. I agree that you needed the rest to be there for her. Sounds like you have a great relationship. God Bless You.
Hugs, Nini
Thank goodness she is gonna be fine. It is so scary to get that call. One of my sons totalled 2 cars last year and the other one totalled 1 car. Yeah, our insurance loves us.... You responded wonderfully when you said it was a good year because she is alive. What a great mom!

OMG what a scare! I'm so glad to hear that she's going to be fine.

Hi! everyone Shelby is doing better.  She will be out of Club V.Ball for the rest of the season unless the rest of the team makes it to Junior Olympics.  By then her cast should be off. A little stiff though I am sure.  I want to thank everyone for all there thoughts and prayers.  I know all of us have loved ones that this can happen to.  Its always scary!  You never do know what the out come maybe.......Good news, though I think her doc will want her to take it easy once the cast comes off, that area is still weak and susceptable to re-injury. Glad you all are doing better!
anut, glad to hear things are looking good.  When does volleyball season end?  Will they let her suit up and sit on the bench to root for her team?  Here's hoping for Junior Olympics!  :)About seven years ago our younger daughter fell asleep at the wheel (alcohol wasn't a factor) and the car was totalled. She was fortunate/blessed in that she didn't receive anything more than a whole lot of bumps and bruises.
However, we, her parents, were just on our way out the door to go to church when the phone rang. Ordinarily we would have let the answering machine take the call but for some reason I picked it up. I was absolutely frantic when a state trooper asked who I was and then told me our daughter had been involved in a one-car roll over. All he could tell me/us is where she was but couldn't give us a condition report.

At this time I pray you all are doing okay.  Take Care and Gentle Hugs

Up Date on Shelby....  Today her spirits are better she got a Letter from Valpo.College in Indiana.  Of coarse it says you can talk to us ,but we can't talk to you. And USC in Calif. was looking at her Profile on the recruiting site. She went to practice and was jump serving with her left hand (got it over the net so thats good) how good I don't know....  She will still suit up and Root for her team.  If they make it to JO's they think she will beable to play. Oh Yeah we took her to see her man Hugh Jackman in his new movie so she should be good for a few day's.

Again  thanks for all your prayer's, Wolf I am so glad you shared your story with me . She had an angel on her shoulder...
ohh Huge Jackman, that should cheer a girl up indeed!!
sorry i'm late to this post, just wanted to say.. i feel for you and i'm soo glad your daughter is ok!!
