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 hi  everyone 

  have  not been here   much  I  did  grauduate  from nursing  school  but  hopefully  aftera  year or  so I  will be  ina  non hospital  RN job...
I  will make  half  the pay  but  hospital nursing   has   really  become  a   strange  place... .  and  yea  i  still take my  antibiotic  for  my joints  which as  long as  i  eat  right  and  take  my  supplements  do not  bother  me  at all..  maybe  one  or  two times  they might  hurt a little  but  I  have  not been taking   all my  joint  supplements  either  like the  glucosamine  ect..    when i  take  the  glucosamine  ona  reg basis  with my other  stuff  I  have  no  issues. 
still hope they can find  better  meds  and treatments....  I  wonder  what  could  have  been accomplished  if  joint  medicine  got  10 billion a  month  in  research???  and  yea  that's  my  exxonmobil  war   slant  opps  I  mean iraq  war  lol
You have a wonderful way with words Mark - I miss that! 
Glad to hear you are doing well.  Congratulations on the new career.  I can remember a time when you were really struggling figuring out hope to cope with your diagnosis, treatments, and employment.  Sounds like you have made some great choices and we like to hear good news.  Thanks for the update.  Don't be such a stanger!

Hey Mark! 

Glad you're back.  And by supplements...you are taking a LOT of probiotics arent' you?  That's the one thing if you skip, can pretty much mean AP will fail.  Just a heads up!
Hey Mark1, thanks for checking in! I think of you often and wonder how the AP is doing for you, and now I know! Are you still taking 200mg a day?Hello Mark!
Congrats on the graduating!
Good to see ya Mark.

Congratulations Mark, You did it! I remember way back when you weren't sure you could make it and you did!!!! It's good to hear from you and I hope you find the perfect position for your challenges. Let us know how you are doing, ok?

"CONGRATULATIONS"  Keep in touch with us. We all love stories with a happy ending.
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