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Greetings To All: Really haven't been on the board much cuz life has been anything but calm.

About two weeks ago our SIL was dxd with Influenza A with pnuemonia. Mom still had to work so granny had the little ones after daycare.

Then I had to admit that my faithful companion, my 18-year old big dog, needed to be able to run on the other side. It was a difficult decision to make even though there wasn't really anything our vet could do to restore her health. So 04/17/08 we had her put to sleep.

However, my head and heart are still in total disagreement. We still have the little dog BUT it's not the same. So much of the time I feel guilty when caring for and playing with him because much of the time both of them would have been with me. 

Have begun writing down all the sweet things about her that I can remember. The grandkids have a whole bunch of memories, too. Eventually I will put her story in book form and give each grandkid a book, including lotza pictures.

Well, before my tears mess up the keyboard I'll close for now.

For all who have pets of any kind - love them, love them, love them!!!!!
Sounds like you have been through a lot recently.  I'm so sorry you had to make the decision you did, but you did it out of love.  Your book of memories for your grandchildren sounds wonderful - I love that idea.

I want to recommend a book for you and your grandchildren.  It is the absolute best for children dealing with a pet's passing.  It is called "I'll Always Love You" written by Hans Wilhelm.  Nicely puts into words what we want to teach our children about losing their best friend.
Hugs to you.
Oh, Watchingwolf -
I'm so sorry about your loss.  And what a beautiful way to remember your friend and make a memento for the grandkids.
I am sorry to hear about your doggie, WatchingWolf.It's always so hard to lose a pet---they really are family. I'm so sorry, WatchingWolf.Is your SIL feeling better?
I am so sorry about your dog.  You just love them so much, it's hard to lose such a loyal, faithful friend.  How's the little one taking it?  Bet he/she misses it's buddy  too.  :(
I'm sorry, I've had to put down a pet also, very hard. what a great idea to get all involved in the memories.I had to have my cat Samson put to sleep only a few short months ago. I cried like a baby since I was on chemo but there was no way to treat his cancer. I felt really helpless.

I'm so sorry watchingwolf, I know how hard it is to say goodbye to our wonderful companions. They always seem to know when we are hurting the most and ask for so little. I think making a book is a wonderful idea. We had to put down our cat after battling cancer for a year and we have since gotten a kitten, but it is not the same. Our wounds are stilll fresh after 9 mo, though she is no longer in pain and in a better place - that is what comforts us.

Hugs, sweetie!
I sorry to hear you lost your beloved dog. For the first time in my life I now have a dog that I've grown very, very attached to. She was spayed this week and had to spend the night at the vets office. I just told my husband I can't imagine how hard it will be to lose her one day. I can only imagine your pain.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry to hear about your dog.  I think the book is an excellent way to remember your pet.  Just know that she is free of pain and suffering.
Hello All: Well, Baby Bear has been gone from a week now. My head and heart are still on opposing sides.  And then I stop and remember my promise to her when I was hit with RA and that was: "If ever you feel as bad as I do at this time I promise not to make you go through what I am going through now." Yes, I kept my promise but.......................

Then today I received a beautiful sympathy card from our vet's office and it was signed by him and his staff. She must have made quite a positive impact on them for they all added a little note about things I had shared with them about her good humor and escapades. Like Wow!  Yes, there were tears.  And if that wasn't enough the office sent me a small bouquet of "forget me nots" in her memory.

Yes, I was truly blessed to have Baby Bear walk with me and share my life for 18-years.

Sending warm thoughts and hugs. So sorry about your nephew and your beloved companion. I used to say breathe deep, but breathing is over rated sometimes. Take care of you right now. Let other people be there for you. Thoughts and prayers.

Love, Monk
I'm sorry Watchingwolf.  When my little chihuahua died, I thought I'd never quit crying.

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