Carpal Tunnel | Arthritis Information


I have been diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel from many doc's. Have been dealing with this CTS for 3 years now. Finally got into a specialist last year. Had my first surgery on my left hand about 7months ago. Went through all the PT. Im still having the pain and numbness. I had put of getting my right hand operated on until I get the left back to some what normal. Had a nerve test done about a month ago. Doc says that the CTS is still present in the operated hand. So now im doing the cortisone shots, AGAIN!! Has any one out there had this happen to them? Im only 30 and I have 2 kids. I want to be able to return to normal duties. But its to painful to do many of my day to day activities because of this CTS.

I did have carpal tunnel surgery last year .
First on the left hand and right away the pain was gone . I had the right hand done a month later and the same as lefty , no pain .
Maybe they have to go back in to finish cleaning you out .
It's possible that there is either a different or an unseen entrapment from your first surgery. This is not entirely uncommon from my understanding. It's a tricky business and you may somewhere along the way made it worse--not deliberately to be sure. Sorry you are hurting but better they catch it and fix it now so nothing gets damaged.