confession | Arthritis Information


This morning I took a darvocett for my hips/butt.  Then after hassling over Enbrel I took a valium.  Then my leg muscles started cramping and I took a Soma.  These are from about 11 to 5 about two hours apart.  Now it is hot and the first time in months, I went out and bought one big beer.  Please tell me I will survive today.  No more drugs or beer.  I just needed to get numb.  I am embarrassed. 


           Oh my Rox!! besides being embarassed,

             how do you feel

             After reading all you've been through, I could

             use a beer and some meds You will survive today!  God don't be embarrassed - I'd have bought the whole store - I'd be sitting outside with a brown bag right now  To be honest, I have a buzz and I feel better.   A little guilty about my liver.  What a day!  I should learn not to get my hopes up but I do.  I get so excited when I think about finally getting relief from ra.  I had to lock my dogs in the bedroom they were bugging me so bad.  Tomorrow is another day [QUOTE=roxy]This morning I took a darvocett for my hips/butt.  Then after hassling over Enbrel I took a valium.  Then my leg muscles started cramping and I took a Soma.  These are from about 11 to 5 about two hours apart.  Now it is hot and the first time in months, I went out and bought one big beer.  Please tell me I will survive today.  No more drugs or beer.  I just needed to get numb.  I am embarrassed. 
and you can still type? Amazing! I'd be in la la land   KAT,  I probably should not be posting


Aaaw rox! I hope you get a nice floaty feeling

Don't'll ruin your buzz!! Just enjoy it.


Looks like our current spammer has more time on his hands then our normal spammers.

This ones got time to dig up archives back from September!!

Roxy....I started reading this thinking OMG....valuim and beer again?!?!

Roxy had a rough summer guys.

GET LOST HANGOVER DUDE....that's rarely a problem amoung our group!!

 Roxy, Hang in there. Ya gotta do what u gotta do. Pain isn't for sissys and anyone with RA is no sissy.

Your membership status is determined by how many post you've had since you joined.

I've got dry eye too. Over the counter natural tears has helped alot. Do you use those?

HEY GUYS.  This is proof.  I don't know why this was reincarnated but this was PRE EMBREL.  Goes to show you - my pain is more under control.  I took one darvocett today and have not taken pain meds in close to a week.  I have not had a bad flare since the holidays.  Life does get better.   By the way THANK YOU LOVIE.  GUESS I SHOULD LEARN BY NOW -YOU HAVE TO BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY ON MESSAGE BOARDS