awful dreams | Arthritis Information


Not sure what's up because I rarely remember my dreams, until now...
For a good week and a half I keep having dreams with family/friends dying.
I wake up in a cold sweat in tears.  WTF is that about???????????
do you take sleeping meds?I would see that as you are scared of losing something, it doesn't necessarily mean someone is going to die, more like a part of your life, for example, your health, or your independence.  Don't worry, dreams are just dreams.  Regards Janie. I always have way intense dreams . Also some real funny ones .
I do remember most of them and tell my husband the stories.
He is always amazed at how in detail my dreams are and that I
remember so much of them.
Sometimes I am so busy in my dreams that I am tired the next morning.
i am sorry.  i did not mean my question mean.  it is just i take sleeping meds and i have notice i have vivid nightmares.   many times they are sad.  sorry if i hurt feelings.

I noticed I had really vivid dreams  every singly night after I started plaquenil, if that helps any...

Also I don't think these dreams portend actual death, like Janie said, death in dreams signifies the death and rebirth cycle of certain areas of your life... I personally have had dreams with people dying in them (or me having to kill something out of self-defense) and tied quite a bit of it to my frustrations and sadness with having RA

I agree with Janie's interpretation of your dreams. I too have very vivid dreams that I never remembered dreaming before. What is really freakly is my oldest sister has the same dream I have over and over. I haven't had it in a while neither has she. In the dream we are at our grandmother's house and we go to the attic and the shelves are full of knick knacks and things. I remember feeling scared and then I usually wake up. Our grandma has been dead for almost 20 years and this home is the home she had in another town that we went to as children. Really weird. We call each other and we dream alot of the same dreams.I'm so sorry you are hurting. Are you feeling down in general too? I can't tell too much from that alone. It may be signs of depression, but I wouldn't know for sure.

I will be praying for you.
Wonderwoman, yes, I took Ambien!  And no problem with that question, it may be a factor.  The other thing, I wake up at 2:22 a.m. and I'm awake from then on.  So the two things together are kind of freaky.  I got up at that time with awful dreams 4 nights in a row.  I've had the dreams for probably a week, but noticed the time a few nights after the dreams started.
No, not depressed.  It just struck me as weird because I typically do not remember dreams.  I did take Ambien this week more than normal though.  I hate taking it, but I have a hard time sleeping so I usually have one or two nights of Ambien then off for a week until I'm real tired, etc.  I'm trying to get over the 10 day vacation in Vegas.  I'm on the east coast and this is the first time the time difference killed me.  Maybe that's part of the problem.  Oh well....I'd rather not sleep than have those dreams!
Thanks for the responses to everyone!
I have some pretty strange dreams to. Last week I woke my husband up crying because I had a dream something terrible (not sure what) happened to my dog. I was crying quite loud, and didn't even wake up, until hubby woke me up asking me if I was okay.
I live on the east coast to and that flight from Vegas is a killer. It takes me a week to get back to normal. I hope you had a good time. I'm hoping to go this August.
 a bunch of meds are responsible for bad dreams, but  Ive never seen it listed as a side effect
 had to stop taking effexor because I was having so many bad vivid dreams I never got out of REM sleep.. it was awful..
 I bet its the ambien... its responsible for weird stuff like sleep driving/walking/eating.. so maybe you cant get out of REM.
