Argh!! So they THOUGHT they had me all figured out | Arthritis Information


They did NOT. I got a call yesterday from my doctors office asking if I had started my daily shots of B-12. Well yeah, of course I did, it sounded like the answer we've been looking for. Apparently not. My Primary doc. redid my tests and everything came back normal, so for now, no shots. He will retest in 3mo. but doesn't think anything will change. I am so frustrated, I just cried. Low B-12 symptoms matched exactly, but now we are back to square one. I hate this. I really, really do.hi owiemum not sure what is going on whith you..
just wanted to say hang on in there i hope you get your answer..
Boney     I'm so sorry!  What symptoms did they think it was causing? 

Doctors are always convinced on exam that I have a thyroid or B-12 issue, then those tests always come back looking perfect.  So frustrating!!!
How frustrating for you.  I'm sure they'll figure out the problem soon.  Hang in there.Awww shucks Deb! Maybe google to see which medical problems mimic low B-12?
Much hugs!
I don't know what to say, but i'm here for you!
I know how frustrating this is... feel free to vent as much as you want
(and thanks for your support for me, its appeciated! hearts..
hugs~... i hope you can find some kind of inner peace.. and i know its hard..
after screaming and yelling.. lol
have you watched " Cookies Fortune".. thats a great funny movie!!~
No wonder you're so frustrated.   I hope it gets better soon.  You could also try