Home Sweet Home! | Arthritis Information


Well, I came home today, couldn't stand the food any longer .  My surgery went well and I now have a new 10 inch scar to add to my collection. It goes from mid buttock to mid thigh on the left side.  The Dr is well pleased that he got all of the bursa which he said was quite large.  He has sent it off for pathology and I will get the results when I see him again.  I don't have to see him for about a month, just for a final check.  I don't have any stitches or staples so when the dressing comes off in a week or so it just comes off and that is the end as long as it stays clean and dry and doesn't get infected.  There is way less pain than I would have thought would be associated with a 10 inch slice down my thigh.  I'm quite pleased.  I am on forearm crutches that have my elbows taking the weight as my hands aren't able to.  It's going to be a bit of a slow couple of weeks while I recover enough to go back to work.  I know I shouldn't push it,  I'll just see how I go.  If I can get down to 1 crutch I might go back a bit earlier than I had planned.

I had a lovely private room and the nurses were all lvery sweet and helpful.  The doctor and anethetist were very good and looked after me well.  I was disappointed in the food.  I guess I thought that a specialist private hospital might have better food than the average hospital  but I discovered that hospital food is hospital food.
My lift chair is going to get a good work out in the next few weeks as is the TV remote
Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers, they were much appreciated.
Glad to hear you're home Pammy. Hopefully your will be able to rest....and the pain is well controlled.
Try to enjoy your downtime.
downtime is soooo boring,  At least its not as boring as the hospital down time lol
boring and bad food....hospitals of the world ALL suck
Hi Pammy, glad to hear you are home and on the mend, pamper yourself and enjoy your free time, hugs Janie.
[QUOTE=pammy416]downtime is soooo boring,  At least its not as boring as the hospital down time lol Glad to hear the great report Pammy!  How do they hold the incision together without stitches or staples?Glad to hear everything went well... relax and enjoy your healing time.a nice internal running stitch holds things together.  It is disolving so I don't have to have anything removed
Nice!  Hey, you make jewlery, right?  Do you plan to spend your down time doing that?  It's a good reason to get comfortable (as much as you can) and doing what you love.  :)hi pammy  good to see all went well.  i wonder how they finish off an internal stitch " There's absolutely no place like home." Am so happy for you that everything went well. Now take care a rest - that isn't an indulgence - it's needed.  *Gentle Hugs* Welcome home!  Now relax - and that's an order.
P.S.  If they filled you with antiiotics, please ask your doc about prescription strength probiotics.  Pretty please.
I'm happy to read that everything went well.  That's great.  I agree with Watchingwolf, there really is no place like home.Pip...I had I.V. antibiotics in hospital but don't have to take any now that I'm home.  I usually take a week or two of YAKULT after antibiotics and that settles the bacteria balance a bit. 
 Snowowl...as soon as I can get at the scar I will be rubbing vit E into it.  I tend to scar a bit so I will try to keep it to a minimum. 
 I am feeling really well and I think my big problem will be to take things easy and not do too much.   I'm just getting ready for a shower.  Hubby has put a chair in the kids bathroom for me (their shower is bigger than ours) so I will gather my bits and get him to be there and give me a hand when I need it.  I need to make myself gorgeous for my outing this afternoon.
 Linnc...I will be making jewellery....I get settled in my comfy chair and just turn the telly on and potter away.  My chair is a recliner so when I get tired I just recline it and pop a blankie on and doze for a bit. 
 I have a bacheloretter party to go to tonight so I will make an appearance and have dinner but will probably leave early.  I have someone bringing a lasagna over tonight, someone visiting Monday, someone visiting Tuesday.  Wednesday I have to go to hospital for 4-5 hours for an iron infusion so I'll have to get someone to take me and pick me up.  I'm sure my MIL will come over as she has to pick up her new glasses that she ordered from the shop where my daughter works.  I'll have to get hubby to do a bit of a tidy up so that my visitors don't think I live in a pig sty. (wouldn't want them to know the truth now would we...).  I'll probably go to church tomorrow just to get out of the house.  It doesn't start til 10 so I don't have to rush to get ready.  Then I can come home and take the afternoon easy.
Many thanks to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.  I will take your advice and relax and heal.
dear pam
 glad to hear you are home.  go slow (that is an order).   wanted to let you know the doctor prescribed that powder for my stomach-- twice a day-- so maybe soon i will be able to leave the toilet.   thanks for your recommendation.   wonderwoman
Hi Pam, and am glad you're home and comfortable.  That's one big incision, WOW.  I know you'll take it easy, you know the drill.  Take care.  LindyYour all in one peace so take it easy, relax and heal. Glad to hear you are recovering and I had a horrible scar on my wrist from Carpal tunnel and cleanout surgery.  The O/T gave me "cicagel" it is fantastic, my scar is not even slightly raised now.  It is expensive stuff, but you only need a little bit, you put it on your skin and it stays there, remove when washing only, it takes about 3 weeks.  Hugs Janie.XX  best of luck for quick and easy recovery!!

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