objects to improve life of persons with RA | Arthritis Information


im studying design and now i have a work that consists in create an object to improve the life of persons with rheumatoid arthritis.
so first of all, i think the best way is to answer you:

-what objects you think will important to improve your life?
-in what tasks you have more difficulty doing?

sorry for the english..

i need a NEW BODY!!!! 1. I would like a device to open round handled door knobs.
2. I would like a portable device to open up pop bottle tops.
3. I would like a device to help support your shoulder and ear when on the phone.
4. I would like a device to help me put on my jewelrey.
Good luck and thanks for asking
RA 12 Diagn. 1996 years Orencia, Mextho, Fosamax, Prednisone, folic acid
[QUOTE=your2smart]1. I would like a device to open round handled door knobs. [QUOTE=JasmineRain] [QUOTE=your2smart]1. I would like a device to open round handled door knobs.
2. I would like a portable device to open up pop bottle tops.
3. I would like a device to help support your shoulder and ear when on the phone.
4. I would like a device to help me put on my jewelrey.
Good luck and thanks for asking
RA 12 Diagn. 1996 years Orencia, Mextho, Fosamax, Prednisone, folic acid
Those are great helpers!!!  Thanks!!
for #4, I ordered these sets.  They make it much easier to put on necklaces!!
hill honey do you think bionic legs would grow faster stronger hair..

bionical Boney thank you all for your suggestions..
after reading your posts i need some explianations please:
JasminRain: can you explain me how you use a rubber jar gripper to open doors?
Boney: can you show me some photos of this wrists with 2 bars to understand the mechanism?
babs10: the site you putted is not working. i would like to see what you use for jewelry, please.
thank you for helping, and more suggestions are welcome Shoes that adjust for the swelling of my feet and ankles while still looking stylish.  To wear the same pair of shoes on days when I'm swollen and days when I'm not would be great.  Like special expanding straps or gussets or something.
And what about cold gel packs that fit around your hands/knuckles like a loose fingerless glove?  I've seen ones that go around the ankles and wrists, but not the hands.
[QUOTE=zerozeppelin]thank you all for your suggestions.. try this link for the jewelry instead...
and I totally agree  about crocs.. they are the most comfortable shoes... ugly.. but comfy.
hmmm, i want a massage, anytime i ring a bell.
a boytoy..
jasmine, our ugly wrist bracelets, when i visit my friend, she sews, i think i'm going to have some purple / pink/ black sleeves made for them , add some twikly sparkly stuff...
Seriously!! lol
Oh I want doors that open AUTOMATICALLY EVERY WHERE!!!
I swear there are times, i just stand in front of my gp's office, and look at the heavy heavy thick wooden doors, i'm supposed to open and think ... you must be kidding me..
Doctors, that actually have chairs you can put your feet, up when you're waiting..
I want architectects, to start designing more comfy things, around the home..and Drs office.. to pretend they can't open the door, or feel like what that hard hard chair feels like, when you're hurting..
Every house to be built w/ huge garden spa tubs, lots of nozzles, and round kitchen trays, that you can put all your beauty items on.. i mean i have like 20 shampoos, bodywashes, oils, razors, all in a plastic box, by my tub..
Heated floors...
in the be careful what you wish for: I wished for a maid, got Ra, got a maid! (provider).
some one mention Toyboy [QUOTE=InnerGlow]Shoes that adjust for the swelling of my feet and ankles while still looking stylish.  To wear the same pair of shoes on days when I'm swollen and days when I'm not would be great.  Like special expanding straps or gussets or something.
And what about cold gel packs that fit around your hands/knuckles like a loose fingerless glove?  I've seen ones that go around the ankles and wrists, but not the hands.
This would be a great idea but not ugly shoes cute shoes ! Please!!
Also the ice packs for hands would be wonderful . Those can be cute
but don't have to be .
Oh ! And Boney is that your brain I see floating in the gutter??
one thing is real:
our work in school is for a tender and the best object for RA will be realised.
i will show you the new product when we know the winner.
thank you for the suggestions..
i will study all your suggestions and think what i can do!
thank you
im thinking in make a device to help put jewelry..
do you have ideas what it have to do?
thank you
gees thats a tough one .. as even a device has to be used whith the hands
and jewelery is very fidgety... how about something simple .. like a talking pill box. sometimes i take my meds
then cant remember if i took it or not.. i bought a pill box but compartments
were to small the lift up lids were useless to liftup . andthe days of the week were near


Easier zippers/larger zipper pulls on backpacks, etc


I copied one company's trick for making pack zippers easier to open and close. You get some paracord from an army/navy store or on the internet. Cut a piece to the desired length loop it through the zipper hole and knot tie it.  The ends can be sealed so they don't further fray with a match. The extra length and the knot are easy to pull.
[QUOTE=your2smart]1. I would like a device to open round handled door knobs.
2. I would like a portable device to open up pop bottle tops.
3. I would like a device to help support your shoulder and ear when on the phone.
4. I would like a device to help me put on my jewelrey.
Good luck and thanks for asking
RA 12 Diagn. 1996 years Orencia, Mextho, Fosamax, Prednisone, folic acid
You are in luck, all of these exist :)
they sell door knobs in hardware stores that look like a stick and you just push the stick to the side and the door opens. (hard to explain the look).  There are machines that you put on top and it turns to open the jars and drinks, can't remember where they are though.  You can go to the office depot or best buy and buy you a headset.  I have one plugged into my phone.  I turn it on to answer as normal with my head set on and it has a microphone and i talk and clip the cordless phone to my pants or shirt (has a clip on back).  I have also seen in magazines for elderly and disabled (junk mail) things that help put bracelets on.
If you look in those areas, you should be able to find what you need.
I saw a informercial on a magnetic thingy that made your necklace/jewelry stick to each end of the chain then you twist it to lock it. Loooks good on tv.

i have to make something special and differente that will make your lifes much easier in a task..

can you give me some ideas?
what more?
I agree, we need comfy, CUTE shoes, deep enough to accommodate orthotics and adjustable to allow for swelling.  The cold wrist/hands packs would be awesome as well.  Bra's that are easier to put on.  Toothbrushes that are easier to hold. can you show me some catalogues of RA helpful products? [QUOTE=micheleb]I agree, we need comfy, CUTE shoes, deep enough to accommodate orthotics and adjustable to allow for swelling.  The cold wrist/hands packs would be awesome as well.  Bra's that are easier to put on.  Toothbrushes that are easier to hold. [/QUOTE]

why not wear your bra on your feet.. they may allso allow for swelling..Hi there,
As a therapist I have found the best solution to arthritic problems is a total avoidance of all dairy products. There comes a time in everyone's life to finish suckling. For too long we have been wetnursed by the cow. We are the only mammal to continue suckling well into old age, and are paying the price for it. Do yourself (and your wallet) a favour, and AVOID DAIRY IN ALL FORMS. Read labels and reject items containing even the smallest amount of dairy products
Also reduce the amount of protein you consume, as all animal products are acid forming and contribute to arthritis. We get adequate calcium and protein from the same foods as mammals in the wild. Yes, you guessed it. Vegies. Ever seen a cow, horse or any other mammal with osteo, rheumatoid, or any other type of arthritis? Go back to basics!
Some more thoughts for you ...
1.  Large tweezers that grip but require less pressure to use
2.  Caps on tablet bottles that are safe but can be opened more easily with problem hands (eg no more tops that even those with no RA have to cut open!)
3.  A computer keyboard that can be used more easily with problem hands - keyboard that is ergonomic.  I know there are Maltron keyboards around but you almost have to take out a mortgage to afford one!)
Thanks for the opportunity to make suggestions!  Good luck.
I also think the shelf liner "rubber" can be used to open doorknobs as well. If its not an issue, then glue it right to the handle. (as in a strip around the grip part)

Magnetics for jewelry can be found to alter your jewelry.

Zippers - maybe find some big cute buttons or small toys and add them to a piece of elastic cord. As mentioned before, tie a knot and seal it with fire. (match, lighter, candle, etc)

LOVE my large rubber coated pens! Everyone here is BANNED from using them, except ME! LOL
I think the real winner here is to design a very comfortable, but cute shoe!

Edit: And make them reasonably priced :)
GrammaKathy2008-06-01 20:37:20i will make a book holder and a keyport.
what you think?
do you know aspects that i can improve from the objects you know?

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