Arthritis Information -New & Newly Diagnosed with RA


Hello Marmck673, Welcome here ! You will learn alot here from others that

have Ra . I have had Ra for about 11 years . You will find parts of your life will change
but will open doors for new interest .
Here you will find out about others that take the same meds as you and how they
are coping with it.Good or bad.
You will just find people who care and understand what you are going through every day.
Good and bad days.
This is a wonderful forum but you will find that out yourself.
Hop on the Ra part of the forum , that is where most hang out . And you can post all there.
Hope to see you there!!   Maimi
Hello, I was dx'd in Feb. '08 and am just looking for whatever I can find from people who actually have RA. I am finding that books don't cover all the stuff people actually go thru and am hoping to find out more on how to cope with all this.I am also new here.  I was diagnosed with R.A. 8 years ago and have been on pretty much every medication out there.  I am currently taking Humira.  I actually contacted my local Arthritis Foundation hoping to find a support group or networking with others.  Unfortunately they did nothing more than mail me a flyer about classes.  I was really disappointed so I decided to search on my own and found you all here.  I have been lurking for a while and decided it is time to join the party.  Marmck, I understand the feelings you may be having.  I will be happy to answer any questions that I can.  Hey    I    have   been   on   Plaquenil   for   a   year   now   and   I   still   have   joint   pain    but   the   heat   and   swelling   have   really   gone   down.    Don't    get   upset   when   this   doesn't   happen   overnight.    It   took   me   a   little   over   three   months.    The   Celebrex   that   I   take   2   times   a   day   help   alot   also.    Fatigue   is   my   biggest   monster    well   not   quite   the   all   over   ache   that   feels   like   the   flu   gets   me   down   but   I   don't   get   it   as   much   since   the   weather   is   warming   up.
Stay   positive   we   all   have   our   bad   days   Chronic  pain   can   be   soooo   mentally
take   care
Hello, I was recently diagnosed with RA; just yesterday in fact.  Trying to process it all. At least now I know there's a reason I've been feeling so crummy for the past 6 months.
Stumbled across this message board while looking up Plaquenil, which is what the Dr. is recommending I take.
Nice to know there's a way to communicate with others who have RA.
Oh my gosh! You have the fatigue monster too?!

That's so comforting to know! Fatigue is my biggest problem also! I just literally DRAG through the day! At first I thought I had the flu, but it just never got any better. Did the Plaquenil help at all with that? It's also nice to hear the nicer weather may help.
My worst days seem to be when the barometric pressure is high, like when it's getting ready to rain.

Yes, the Dr. said that it may take a few months to see a difference with the Plaquenil. I haven't  filled the Rx yet. Probably will this weekend...

Thanks for the encouragement Lachele!


Green Girl2008-05-02 19:25:54