OT - Samson and his hair | Arthritis Information


Well, my boys were overdue for haircuts (especially the older one - it was all the way to his shirt collar), so while I took my stepmom grocery shopping this afternoon, my husband took the boys to get their hair cut.  We teased our older son this morning about losing all his power when his hair was cut off, like Samson from the Bible.  Our little one asked who was Samson.  So the husband gave a summary version of the story of Samson, his long hair, and his power, and said he killed a thousand men with the jawbone of an ass (that's right from the Bible).  Well, the little one didn't miss a beat - he looked at the older one and said "Hey - how did Samson get YOUR jawbone?" Hee Hee !! That's funny! Your boys got your sense of humor! That is too cute!i love children!  too cute! 
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