Naps | Arthritis Information


I sometimes lay down for  20-30 min after work and weekends take an hour (or longer) on both days.  I feel a little guilty when I take to my bed, but it feels so good to take a break.   I know that part of RA is the fatigue, but sometimes wonder if it's RA or if it's just become a habit.   Just curious if most of you take naps as well.
At least once during the weekend, and occasionally at work (I usually go to my car).   I *almost* always nap on the weekends.  I don't during the week because I go to bed fairly early as it is.  We have "quiet time" at my house on the weekends (or if the kid/s aren't in school/daycare), if they are too old to nap they can watch a movie, read, write, play games, but they must be quiet.  I feel like 99% of the time I absolutely *need* these naps.  Sometimes, I think it is habit.  I generally go by how I feel. 
your car?  how long do you stay there? 
A nap for me is 1-3 hours.  I can't do the 10-15 mins because I can't relax enough to go to sleep, then I feel like crap when I get up.
PS:  I *never* feel guilty.  I've got a full plate (and side plate [QUOTE=Phatgirl2]J.R..... your car?  how long do you stay there?  A nap for me is 1-3 hours.  I can't do the 10-15 mins because I can't relax enough to go to sleep, then I feel like crap when I get up. Phats Oh - and I do not feel a single twinge of guilt.

Glad to hear that I'm not alone.  I'm going to keep taking them as needed, enjoy them and try to get rid of the guilt.  There are enough other things to feel guilty about  - no need to waste my time on this one.

hi cathy i have never been able to nap. once i am up i am up for the day..
my mother has what she calls power naps 10mins and shes rareing to go..

Burntout Boney.. my doctor instructed me to take a morning nap and an afternoon nap when i first got RA.   i am not the best napper but i have learned it is better to stop and nap than yell at everybody later.   plus my family is usually more sympathic and willing to help if they see mom laying down.  wonderwomanI say enjoy them!  Unless you are sleeping to avoid your everyday life or some kind of issue, it can't hurt .  Some of us just need that extra rest to make it thru the day.  I wish I could just do 20 mins or so, because it does take up a lot of the day.  But, I would rather rest than be miserable the rest of the day =)
yes i feel guilty too!   i feel guilty about lots of things with this disease.   not that i can change any of it.   wonderwomanI kinda go through phases.  Their will be a stretch where I can't keep my eyes open for a full day unless I sleep for a little while during the day.  But then I can go for a long time where a nap doesn't even cross my mind.  I take a nap pretty much every day and I sleep real sound .
If I don't get a nap in the next day I am achey all over.
Also I go to bed early at night and sleep real good then too.
I don't feel guilty at all , I know it is for my health and I always
feel great after a nap.
I'm just a sleepin' fool !
NAP = HAPPY HOUR!  Any more than 20 minutes and I'm a zombie too.  But sometimes I'm so tired I don't have a choice.  Lately I've been falling asleep in front of the TV in the late afternoon/early evening.  If I'm watching something on the DVR, I sometimes have to rewind it three or four times in order to stay awake long enough to watch it.

Yep, I'm a napper too

The only time I've felt guilty is when we have friends staying or if we're staying at friends and I have to slope off for a kip.   No, it's not guilt I feel, it's embarrassment
in fact, after this post, I'm going back to bed!!!
I get up in the morning , then an hr or 2 later, go BACK TO BED!!
its feels sooo decadent and wonderful!!
(also i'm a nightowl, so i don't get to sleep until 1-3 am)... and if i get up early like this morning... i always go back to bed.
Mostly bc, of my bipolarness, I HAVE to take naps, and when i hit that Wall,
 man it hits hard.!!! 
I've told people that even if Brad PItt came to my door , on somedays, I couldn't get up..
. I never make my bed.. bc i take 2-4 naps A day!!! lol
I've been at family parties, that last all day, and even when I"m enjoying myself,  I have to go crash somewhere..
An exbf said he was never jealous of other guys, but he was jealous of the bed!!!! lol
NO GUILT.. none!!!
LOVE my bedroom and bed!!!~  tons of blankies, lots of pillows , some 350 thread + sheets.. my cats and I'm a happy girl!!
W/ the Ra and bipolar... man, i have no choice... so luckily i enjoy them!! lol
ps: a couple people have pm'd me, and promise will get back to  you.... eventually lol.. must sleep!!  and hugs~
Whispered2008-04-28 08:09:40I also feel guilty for napping but it is nice to know that everyone else is doing it. I often get teased at home from the hubby and kids that it is mom nap time. I only nap on the weekend because I don't have time during the week but I feel like I need too! I take a nap about 2 to 3 times a week. When I am at the office I will take a nap in my car for about an hour. It leaves me groggy for a bit afterwards but it is MUCH needed. You shoulnd't feel guilty about taking naps. We all need to be re-energized every once in awhile, why not try yourself to a nice little nap?Just got home from work and reading a few posts.   Now, that I know naps are definitely common for RA, I'm off to take a little snooze before starting dinner.    And, no guilt....on really bad fatigue days I will nap.. when the baby is napping, but generally I try not to nap because if I do nap, I can't fall asleep well at bedtime... OTOH Mark and I are usually in bed for the night by 9 and I'm asleep  by 930 most nights.. so I'm getting  about 8 1/2 hours of sleep a night, plus I get to sleep in on weekends.. he takes the kids downstairs.