children moving home | Arthritis Information


my adult children are moving home.   and i am already stressed and they are not here yet.   my son is in college and the house he rented, without our permission, ceiling is falling in so he is trying to get out of his lease..  he originally moved out because of our rules.   he will be home by may 1st.  he is 21.   does not listen to his dad or me at all.   he is very, very dirty.      my daughter who graduated college last may.   went on the mission field this year to work with college kids at oregon state university.   she has lived well below poverty level.  she comes home june 15th.  her internship is up and she needs to find a real job with benefits.     she too is very messy but she at least lets us know where she is and when she will be home.   my son we never know.   my daughter is 23 years.    what am i suppose to do?   i want to make a list of rules (i will), but my husband will never enforce them and the kids know this.   i feel we have sacrificed enough.   we have nothing for ourselves and we are in our 50's.   how much do you have to give up for your kids?   i expected to do without until we got them through with college.   my daughter is done and we are not through.....   my son still has at least a year left.  

Wow.  I'd say no.  They aren't baby's.  If they won't follow your rules and contribute to the household, whether financially or by doing chores~ in my mind, they made the decision.

Your house your rules.
If he or they can't abide by your rules I'd say "see ya".
I think it's called tough love. Wish you the best!!
Yep I'll second Linncn. My parents had a simple rule of thumb. You go to school or you go to work. They didn't ask for money, but if you were out of high school, you'd better be in college or working.

Their home wasn't Bed & Board Unlimited.

Out of mercy, I'm sure any parent can help their offspring out. It's the right thing to do. My dad is 78 and he sent me some money not long ago because my back was against the wall and he offered to help. I was too proud to ask, but he saw through me like a window.

Set some limits. And keep them. It's not out of wrath to kick the birds from the nest. But there is a time and place to do it for their own good. And if they slob up, show them the broom or the door.

Found a great coffee mug. "We childproofed our home, but they still get in." When I moved back in with my dad and stepmom for the summer after I graduated from college, I ran errands and helped out around the house.  Dad would not take any money, and I didn't have a job anyway. If your hubby won't enforce the rules, will he at least support their eviction if they don't follow them?  If not, you've got a hard road ahead.
One of my aunts let her children live with her for awhile after they graduated, but charged them rent.  Some of it went to household expenses and the rest she put into savings for them for when they moved out.  I also believe they had a certain time limit from the start.
I know you want to help your kids, but letting them rely on you too much isn't really helping them, or you.  And I's easier said than done.
no he will not evict them and the adult children know this.  they know dad is on their side not mine.  he always has been.  when they were little what i said went.  but now that they are grown i cannot enforce the rules physically and my husband wants to be the nice guy.  his parents never have done for him so he thinks it is showing them love.   When my 2 kids went off to college I will admit that even though after dropping them off (7 hours away) I cried like a baby...I did enjoy having the house to ourselves.  But after college my son went on to live with his now wife and my daughter eventually came back to live with us.  I didn't mind in fact I wanted to help her out so she could save up some money.  She worked so I had no complaints and now at 24 she is living with her b/f and they're talking marriage now.  I kind of enjoyed having my daughter living here with us, but I can understand what you're saying...especially if they don't live by your rules.  I think the main problem is that both u and your husband think differently about this situation.  You need to have a long talk with him and both get together with some rules the kids need to go by.  Let them know u guys are together in these thoughts and rules and if they can't do what u ask, well...they need to find another place.
Are u ok with them coming back home if they were to follow your rules?
NO. It is always a difficult task to have your children move home.  Everyone is use to the way they do thing's.  My oldest daughter moved home for a while , I think it was harder on her then me.  She was use to her own privacy. (And I am a little anal about how thing's are doneWell you need to let them know how you feel and get your husband on board with u.  This could be a good thing if handled right.My daughter moved back in when she started attending graduate school. I told her I wanted her to give me what she had been paying in rent and I would put it in an interest bearing account and give it back to her when she moved out so she could make a big dent in the credit card bills I knew she had run up.
What! She said- I'm moving back in because I can't afford the rent payment.
I cow towned- never set rules and it became a problem. My husband was resentful because she disturbed his privacy, she was sloppy and didn't help out at all around the house. She treats us like this a hotel. She's good about saying where she is going and if she will or will not be home so I don't worry. The last 6 months or so she is only here 1 or 2 days and spends the rest of the time at her boyfriend's. But to hear that she is going to Happy Hour or to Canada to watch a football game or to watch her come through the living room with bags and bags of new clothing and shoes kills me! Meanwhile I'm scrimping. It's my own fault I know.
Anyway- she graduates next month and she will start her first "real job" in the fall that is too far of a commute to live here.
My advise is definitely set ground rules and collect rent!
I always said that kids move out, multiply, then come home. My oldest came home after her 1st divorce, with my granddaughter. I loved having my granddaughter around, but my daughter always reverted to teen-ager again when she moved home! But she did work hard and abided by our rules, such as they were.
The youngest moved home when she left her cheating boyfriend. That was years ago. She is now happily married wiith a 3-yr. old and expecting her second in Oct. She was always a great kid and never had a problem living with us. She only stayed as long as necessary, and bought her 1st condo by herself on her 25th birthday.
When the oldest was 37 (4 yrs ago) she suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm. After brain surgery, 2 weeks in intensive care, 2 weeks in rehab, she came home because she needed someone to look after her while she healed. It was good she was with us because she developed hydrocephalis and we had to take her in to the ER where it was determined she needed a shunt. But as she got better, she turned into a teenager again. It was time for her to move home to HER home.
Some of you already know that story, but felt I needed to share with those who don't.
Make sure you give them a time limit, a few rules (like no girlfriends over night), and clean up after themselves. You must get your hubby on board though, or you are sunk from the start.
Good luck, Sweetie.
Hugs, Nini
wonderwoman..  putting two kids through college is really tough work!!  My best to you and applaud y our efforts..
BUT... you are right.. this is your home.. your rules.. and they need to follow them. 
Perhaps you can explain to your husband that the way the children (yep, children cause they act like kids) behave is upsetting to you.  That they are adults by age and it's time they begin acting like adults.  There's no reason that they cannot maintain their rooms... treat you with respect (which means telling you where they are... whether they will be home for dinner or not, etc.)   and even help with things around the house!!
I would stress that the kids are not learning the lesson that is just as important as their education:  respect, maturity, self-worth and self-respect.. shown by how they take care of their things.
I am guessing and want to venture to say that your 23 y.o daughter will probably be easier upon her return to your home than your son...  Around 22, 23 my kids began to really shock me and show that they were growing up!!!  I still can't believe it...
I hope your husband will be helpful w/ this issue...
o'k wanttobeRAfree my husband and i have been talking we are both gonna come up with a list and compare and talk about it.   i think i pissed my daughter off cause she says she is staying in oregon now.  but we will see.    i know about the shopping and the going out to eat remember they have lived here before over summer breaks.  they act like money grows on trees while DH and i eat cheerios for dinner.  i am sick of it.  they take trips, we stay home.  they have both been more places than i have ever been.   i do not know where their money comes from, we have never been able to do the things they do.  in college my daughter kept telling everyone she was paying for everything.  i finally got sick of it and started sending her all the bills i was paying for her.  she was quick to apologize and never bragged again about how she paid for everything.Good idea wonderwoman!
My daughter,  the one living scot free for two years had the gall to question me at the dinner table when my son was home from college and I was saying man, money was so tight this month my car insurance was due, my son's car insurance was due...She pipes up- WHAT! Why are you paying his car insurance?! Excuse me I said- I paid your for all 4 years of undergraduate school! I don't think so she says. Oh really I say- do you really think you were paying it with your little part time job making an hour? Should I show you my cancelled checks? Oh she was so worried she hadn't gotten her fair share!
Tough one  - I sure wouldn't want to be in your shoes.  Hopefully,  once you compare lists, it will something you can both agree on and get the rules set ahead of time.   Send off to both what they should expect and let them know that they're welcome to come if they can follow what you've both decided on.     You've gotten them this far and there comes a time that you need to put yourself first.   Easier said than done though- I think I'd have a hard time turning away my kids.  yes they do that and the funny thing is the girls almost always get more spent on them than the boys.  nini is right they revert back to teenagers when they move home.  i hate it.  oh well i have witched enough.  thanks for everyone's advice.  if you got more i want to hear it.  it helps me make up my mind.  we are still paying for my daughter's car insurance., cell phone, and recently had to take over her car note because she had to buy COBRA insurance and could not afford everything on her 0.00 a month check from the church.  she is having to pay student loans now too all this extra started in january.   the church was suppose to give her more but they did not so she went to work at hallmark to pay insurance and loans.wonderwoman2008-04-27 22:11:14o'k i am at it again... just wanted to say if i had to do it all over again i would never send kids to college straight out of high school.  i would make them work full time and live on their own for 2 years.    if after 2 years of hard work they wanted to go to college i would send them and help pay for it.   they do not know what they want to do when they go to college it is like more high school with lots of perks... apartments, cars, credit cards, etc   most of their friends at college have no jobs and their folks pay for everything.  so you throw your child into an enivorment of spoiled rotten-ness.   and we as americans have bought into this lie that our chilren must have a college education.  my kids understood the world alot better before they went to college.  they had a better work etnic in high school.neither my husband nor i graduated college.I worked for a year before going to college.  I was on my own since I was 17 (mom has mental issues - everyone except my little sister got the boot at age 17).  Anyway, I think it made some things easier once I got to college.  I was self-sufficient and knew that I had only myself to blame if I screwed up (and only myself to thank if I didn't!).  It took me 7 years to get my degree, but I did it.  I was the first one in my family to graduate from college. awesome jasmineRain! I have twins that are in their second year of college.  We pay for everything.  i know what you are talking about with them seeing life as different than the real world.  They have friends in school that have new cars/ drivers / jet off for vacations, etc.  I explain that's not the real world, and you won't have any bills when you get out of school, but they can't afford to go to the caribbean for a 3 day weekend, etc.
I also cringe when It's time to go to bed.  My boys, like most college kids, have their hours flipped around.  I go to bed around 10:00, but I get up at 3:00.  My boys go to bed at 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning.  They thought nothing of running up and down the stairs, coming in my room at midnight to ask me how to heat up this or that,etc.  I didn't blow a fuse, I started going in and shaking them putting on the lights, putting on the tv. etc and asking them some dumb question at 6:00 am.  They got the message...........
It's almost time for them to come home for the summer, I can't wait but I dread it.  No more food in hte house ever, laundry up the wazoo, a week or two of breaking them into normal houe rules, etc.  BUT, they won't be young forever.  There is always a risk they'll hook up with a girl that lives far away and they'll move.  Enjoy them while you can.
My son has those same hours too! Drives me nuts. Gets up 3 in the afternoon. I was worried he was on drugs or something! He says he can't sleep when he comes home.
Our son moved out right after college, but our daughter came back home when she was in graduate school.  We paid for her undergraduate degree, but she had to pay for her masters so she had to come home.  She worked part time waitressing and we supplied food, shelter and medical insurance.  While home she still had a curfew (2:30 a.m. even at age 24) which she didn't like but...our house, our rules.  We didn't want ANYONE slinking in at all hours of the night.  Your husband's heart is in the right place, so if there's any way to make him understand that love sometimes means limits, he may get on board.  If you can convince him that he's really hurting his son by not helping him become independent, he might develop some backbone. 
I know how difficult this must be.  We all love our kids no end, but there comes a time when we want them to be on their own so we can all get on with our lives.  It's the natural course of life.  I hope this works out for you.

Wonderwomen,, hmm, ok I hate admiting this, but I was one of those spoiled kids..

I've always been a nightowl!! Since a child.. and if you and your husband cave In now,..

you're going to be paying for their stuff and things, for years and years to come...
(I do have some differences, bc i have some major handicapps.. so ..)
Anyway, I'd ask your husband how much is your marriage worth?
Because, if he doesn't back you up... and your son is trying to be in the Marines and is a slob???
I'd say NO, to the son... you can only be used, if you allow it!!
Why are you paying for her cellphone?? Thats nuts, people have dealt w/o cellphones, for years!!... I'd ask your son for a deposit and first and last months rent!!
Why are you washing their clothes??.. eating cereal// while they travel, that makes no sense to me!???
Charge them a portion of the rent/ food... don't do their laundry for them,.. at all!!!
Once you cave in, they will keep expecting it.. you have to be FIRM and on the Same page, as your hubby... I'd talk to hubby about the marriage!! lol
Good luck!!~  This isn't an easy thing..

IMO, a huge resounding NO! I'd work 4 crappy jobs before having to move back in with my folks. I moved out when I was 18 and had a full-time job and part-time job to make ends meet. You do what you have to do to get things done.  A little ramen never killed anybody. ;)

If they HAVE to move back in, I suggest setting limits... as in TIME limits. Give them a certain amount of time to find a job. Give them a certain amount of time to get their own place. Charge them rent - but save it for them. 3 months rent = money to kickstart apartment living.
As far as the rules go, they are of age and have been living on their own so those are going to be hard to set. You may suggest courtesy calls instead. LOL  And try not to wait up for them, they are adults and know their way home. If you wait up and worry, you'll stress yourself into a flare! :(
Snow....he might be a slob going in to the Corps, but he won't be when he finishes bootcamp!  DI is a little more persuasive than mom for some reason.  Maybe it's the quarterdeck??  :)oops!!  :)  True what you said Snow.  I used to shake my head and wonder what would become of my boys.  I mean, it used to take the one 20 minutes just to put his socks on!!  I thought he must be the most day dreaming boy in all the world.  And they both grew up to fine young men.  Straighter heads than I had at that age.I agree with Whispered.  Your children are quite old enough to make their own way in this world. Hey, we've all been there and done that when you decide whether or not you will constantly find excuses for your failures or whether or not you will make the decisions required to succeed.

Perhaps an alternative would be for them to borrow money from a lending institution. NO, absolutely NO - don't be a co-signer for a loan.

They need to know the pride that comes with accomplishment/taking care of themselves.
hi wonderwoman.. if you own your own home sell up fast and run for it..

Boney   Man; I so see where you're coming from here. My son is 18 and getting ready to graduate HS. He thinks he knows it all and that I'm the thorn in his side he can't wait to get away from. His father and I have been divorced for years and I'm remarried. He's been staying with us full time since September because he couldn't get along with his Dad. Sadly I've let him "Make his own choices" just to keep him here verses god knows here and believe me it hasn't been easy on me....or my marriage.
I was glad to hear your comments about not going to college right after High School because he won't be going. Not on my dime anyway. Hell if I'm paying for him to go away to school some where and screw around like he has this last year in High School.
I'm not sure what this next years going to bring....but I am worried sick. It's going to be hard to tell my 18 or 19 year old son to start packing; but he's not going to lay around on my couch, eat my food, mess up my house and have me up all night worried about where he is either. THEN; treat me like I'm the one in the wrong.
Things were so much easier when they were toddlers. I should have known when he was young and every one was amazed at how well he listened that I was in for a shock when he turned into a teenager. Who knew?

I didn't struggle with the decision to make my son leave.  It wasn't hard for me because it was time. He was almost a year out of high school and he needed to man up.  It would have only hurt him to let him stay.  I have never regretted it, even though he did pull some pretty bone headed stunts after he was gone.  But he was young and dumb and he learned a lesson from them.  Be encouraged, these lazy sloppy messes do turn out to be respectable, honorable men you can be proud of.  :)

My son gave me a 100 miles of bad road too from 8th grade right through HS graduation. He too graduated just by the skin of his teeth! He was busy telling me all year- I've been accepted into college- there is nothing I need to do in HS anymore! I'm like HELLO a prerequisite is a HS diploma! I rode him like a horse about his grades and his bad attitude.
He never said good night-would walk right past me with not so much as a grunt when every night I would say Good night-love you!  It would break my heart.
Guess what? When he went away to college and we got some distance between us...and when I gave him some space and let him make his own choices without my input- he turned into a man I'm proud of and I've told him so!
Now when we speak on the phone and I say love you- he says love you too!
When I was so sick at with my onset at Christmas break he was going to bed ( I was in my recliner chair/bed) and he brought me my cell phone. He handed it to me and said Mom, if you need anything in the night call me. That touched me so deeply I still get tears in my eyes when I think about it.
OMG~That's the nicest thing I've ever heard! My son being just like your son when he was younger I can only imagine how good that makes you feel.
Linn~Your story sounds encouraging. I do think he's just got to figure a few things out on his own. I know that I've given him a good moral values that will help him in the long run. His actually a kind hearted soul. Hopefully a few years of maturity will make all the difference.
The last couple of years have been heart breaking at times. Sounds like some of you know all too well what that's like.
I moved back home twice after college.  When I first graduated in was in Dec.  I am a teacher so there weren't alot of job openings that time of year.  I tried--really really tried.  I was able to line up a long term sub job in Arlington.  That kept me employed for the rest of the school year.  But, anyone from the DC area knows how expensive things are up there.  My dad helped me apartment hunt and when he saw what I could afford-he moved me home!  We sat down as a family and it was decided that as long as I was employed or actively looking for a job,  I could stay for free.  They wanted me to sock money away for my first apartment.  Plus, I was paying my own medical bills(RA).  That really helped alot.  When I got my first real teaching job 4hrs. away that summer, I could afford the move on my own and furnished the apartment.  But, I was a pretty easy kid.  I helped out when I could and it was nice to spend time with my dad since he was always out to see when I was a kid(Navy Capt.).  I lived at home from Dec-July.
When I was 14 weeks pregnant my then husband had an affair.  Obvioulsy this threw things for a loop.  My parents were planning on moving to my area anyway as my sister and her family live here as well.  They wanted those grandbabies!  I stayed on my own in our home for a while but moved in with my parents in Sept.  My son was born in October.  I don't know what I would have done without there support.  Still, my parents raised me to be pretty self-sufficient.  Once again, I didn't have to pay rent since they wanted me to save up for a down payment on my own place.  As a teacher I don't get paid during the summer and we used my husbands check to cover those months.  When he left I ended up using up all my savings.   I stayed until January and had a townhouse when my son was only a few months old.  Pretty proud of myself!  Anyway, I know that kids have different reasons for moving back home and there are a ton of other factors involved.  In my case, I became much closer to my parents and have a great relationship with them.  We became more of a team.  Don't get me wrong-I know I was a pain to live with a few weeks after my son was born.  Talk about being overwhelmed and exhausted.  But they supported me-Bless Them.
