Thyroid Nodules: 1 down 3 more to go | Arthritis Information


Thyroid doctor called last Thursday and said the large nodule was benign. To keep my appointment and they will drain the others. I do not think they will drain all of other 3 at the same time. When he was talking about draining them when I was in his office he said he likes to do them one at a time. So... it is looking like a looooong and many more painful visits for me.

Just thought i would let ya'll know.How does it feel after he drained it?
How did he do it ?
I have one on my wrist and did not know it could be fixed.
And how painful is it 1-10 .
Hi Joonie, better to be safe than sorry, glad it's benign, prayers are getting answered.  Keep your chin up, hugs Janie.XX [QUOTE=maimi]How does it feel after he drained it?
How did he do it ?
I have one on my wrist and did not know it could be fixed.
And how painful is it 1-10 .
Maimi, it is not an arthritis nodule, it is a "goiter" they also call them nodules depending on how big they are. This one was goiter. i thought a goiter lived in the everglades and had big teeth     Thanks for all your prayers. They probably really did help.