OT Dannon Actvia commentary | Arthritis Information


This is a funny (warning some language may offend) article followed by more of the same in comments, supposedly by doctors....

Suzanne2008-04-28 14:48:53Haha, that was sarcastic. But I'm on team sarcastic doctor because "bifidus regularis" bugs me too. It's a name Danon came up with for thier laboratory produced probiotic. They have to add that in because they killed all the naturally occurring probiotics with their processing methods.

I've said it before (and said it and said it and said it), you're probably better off just buying some organic plain yoghurt. At least you'll get the real McCoy probiotics and not "poopus perpetualitus".I don't buy Activia, but do buy various yogurts, all that say "live active cultures".  They seem to be working!
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