Wrist replacement/ fusion | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had wrist replacement or a wrist fusion? I am at the point of needing one or the other, and don't know what would be the best way to go. Any advice or experience posts would be very appreciated! I am very scared as my RA is well controlled with antibiotic therapy, but the RA left its trademark in both wrists!Hi,

Both of my wrists have been medically fused - one in 1989 and the other in 1992. At that time, I was told I was to young for replacement (since they lasted only about 10 years) and replacement surgery would not allow me to continue downhill skiing (something I still do).

I must say that I do not regret the fusions. They have not limited me in any way. I do everthing I did before they were fused and the fact their fused is really not evident except for the scars.

Hope this helps and I wish you the best in which ever route you choose.

Thank you so much for your post.  It made me feel a lot better knowing that the fusion did not limit you. I also want to stay doing the things that I can do now. It would be nice to do them with less pain! Congrats on continuing to downhill.... I haven't gone skiing in years. 

I had been told that the wrist would be stronger with fusion which sounded more appealing, but I was scared of the loss of motion.  It is good to know that you aren't noticing that great a change.

Thank you again.


Hi,I had both wrists partially fused in 1992. Last December, I
had to have a total wrist replacement on the left . The new one
is not totally working the way I wished it would but it is coming
along slowly. It is still weak and it does not turn as well as the
right wrist. It is getting stronger and my MD tells me it will get
better with use. One thing unexpected I encountered was my
thumb joint began to hurt. The explanation was that after
repositioning my wrist, other joints may now hurt because they
would be in a new position then before. I have had other joint
replacement surgeries in the past and all have gone well. I'm
sure my wrist will be no exception.
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