First RD appt. tomorrow...anything I need to know? | Arthritis Information


I go to the RD for my first appointment tomorrow.  Is there anything I need to make sure that I ask?  Should I bring the copies of my blood tests with me, or will he have them already?  So what should I expect tomorrow?

Thanks for any advice!!!
If you have copies of your blood tests bring them with you (I leave nothing to chance) because your RD may not have gotten them.  I'm newly diagnosed so I really can't advise you much on what to ask but thought I would offer my opinion on your blood tests.  Good Luck at the RD appointment and keep us updated.  Everyone here has been extremely helpful and supportive.
Take Care,
Don't let the RD leave until you have asked all questions! Take your time, it is your health.  Don't feel like you are keeping the doctor from something more important.  It is his/her job to address all of your concerns.  You have to advocate for yourself.Hayley, before every RD visit, I write up a list of things I want to talk about...symptoms to report, any issues with functioning or quality of life (sometimes tells them more than just the pain scale), questions I want to ask, etc.  It is very easy once you're in the office or exam room to forget all the things you want to say.  My doc knows I work from my list, and always asks me "what's next?".
Did the RD order the blood work?  If you're just seeing him for the first time, I'm guessing not, so bringing copies of your blood work would be helpful.  However, don't be surprised if he wants to order his own round of blood work as well.
Have you already been diagnosed by another doctor, or is this visit to do the diagnosing?  If it's to do the diagnosing, you might not have as many questions yet, but if you've already been diagnosed, you might want to ask if your case is considered mild, moderate or severe.  Some docs do additional testing, such as MRI, x-rays or nuclear bone scan to determine what if any damage has been done.  Others seem to go by just the blood work and the physical exam.
What you can expect is the doctor to assess your history and symptoms, do a physical exam where he feels your joints, and also check for pain or stiffness on moving.  He may request blood or other lab work, or if you've already been diagnosed, he may suggest possible treatment options.
When you get to treatment options, that's when you'll want to ask lots and lots of questions....what side effects and risks, how long it takes to work, comparison of options, options that can be used together, etc.
Good luck with your appt!
I agree with Innerglow, write down everything that may have popped into your head and as Katie says definitely take results of any/all tests that you've had done to help aid your diagnosis.
Dont forget to ask about pain relief. First questions I get asked, every time I go is how long the stiffness lasts once I'm up and on a scale of 1 - 10 how bad is the pain/swelling. Your fingers/toes etc may look like sausages to you but not to him/her. Have you been tested for Lyme? Has the RA exacerbated any other conditions?
Good luck, I hope you find your RD approachable and that your appt. goes well.
[quote="wills08"]Dont forget to ask about pain relief. [/quote]
Forgot about that one.  They may want to run all sorts of tests (my diagnosis took 9 months), but if you're hurting in the meantime, don't be shy about asking for something to help with the pain, even if that's just a prescription NSAID.
Hi Hayley
The link below has some good information about your first visit.  Includes most of what others have already communicated, but thought it might help.
Good luck tomorrow and don't let them rush you  - it's important to get your questions answered.
I haven't been diagnosed yet, but some of my blood tests were positive (weakly) for RA. The RF (I think) and the C Reactive.  So I am really anxious to go tomorrow.  I want to get his opinion on all of this.
I have been keeping track of what is swollen and hurting for the last month.  Hopefully that will help.  I am also taking my sister with me.  She thinks that someone needs to be there with me....she thinks that 2 people will be able to get all of the information better than just one.  Of course, she might just be worried about me.
I'll take my blood test results and jot down any questions before I go.
Thanks for all of the advice!
everyone has things pretty "covered" so I wanted to wish you well and Ihope that the RD can help you!Good luck Hayley!
Make sure you ask about the CCP test.  And Lyme (Igenex or MDLabs version).
Edited for MDLabs as I forget about them.
Pip!2008-04-29 20:06:52