stupid wife tricks | Arthritis Information


my wife washed the windows while it was open and fell out side. well boney my wife shampooed the rugs whith hair shampoo.. my wife cooked a oven ready dinner in a tin tray and put it in the microwave.

BYE BYE Mr microwave  well boney my wife washed the dishes and to dry them off put them
in the washing machine on fast spin..  then tried to glue all the bits
together but they all stuck to her hands.. people have commented
she should have been a boxer as she has hands the size of dinner
Mate of boneys mate... hey Boney my wife tried to blow dry her  hair  whith..

the vacumm cleaner... and got  her head stuck  yo boney my wife  ironed her jeans and burnt her legs   hey Boney my wife had a idea   hey ho boney my wife is a real keen gardener has been for years.
recently i began to wonder why our garden had lots of green things and no
flowers.. so i asked a friend to have a look.. well my gardening wife has been
pulling out the flowers  and growing weeds.. my wife went out  to the shops for a loaf of bread.. she came back 4hrs
later whith 7 shopping bags full of clothes.. were is the loaf of bread i asked.
gees i knew i went out for something she replied ... how dumb is she. HI Boney, you are a breath of fresh air.......  Thanks for the laughs  Boneys admirer - Janie. hey boney we dont have a bath only a  shower my wife bought some of
that liquid hair remover for her legs squirt on wash off.. well she must have
mistook it for shampoo.. ROFL

I guess we should have seen this coming!
Your funny !!
                        It sounds like someone needs to fishing !!
                                           hi boney.. my wife decided to starch the clothes .. now they are like
cardboard and i have to stand all day and walk like a robot.. hey boney.  my wife was cooking a chicken and asked me  how long
it takes to cook.. You have forgotten about the tin of striped paint. Do you know the definition of fishing?   Fishing - one jerk waiting on another jerk at the other end of a line. we have 2 clocks in our kitchen.. one clock said 19 minutes past
the other said 20 minutes past. the wife said one of those clocks is wrong.
i replied there is only 1 minute difference what can a person do in
1 minute.. Let's see what a person can do in 1 minute...
Fall down a flight of stairs 15 seconds the other 45 seconds laying there wishing you had not fell.
stub your toe 5 seconds the other 55 seconds cussing and throwing things.
A 10 second stumble... a 5 second almost got your balance back... 2 seconds of stumbling and 43 seconds of laying on the ground yelling for help.
Oh and I was not going to fall for that "old trick", boney.