Have been MIA | Arthritis Information


Sorry about not posting sooner. Have been dealing with my car and all of these bills.

My hip is getting stronger and I've started to walk w/o the cane. Still on hip precautions and hopefully it's for only a couple of more weeks. Can't wait to take a shower instead of a sink shower. Finally, after several months of not sleeping on the operated side, I did!! Was sore as the incision wasn't happy about having the pressure on it. I've been doing more as I feel better. I still get my days where I want to rest but at least it's not every day any more.
Just wish that my other joints were feeling as good as the hip does. Still have trouble with my hands and feet. Have days where they will hurt and swell on me.
Hope that everyone has a good day or evening.
Glad to hear the recovery is progressing!hi marisa .. good to read things are going well for you.  Hi marisa ... Hope  you have a quick recovery Hey Marisa!
Keep up the good work!  You GO girl!

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