News from the diagnosis front | Arthritis Information


Well I went to the oncologist yesterday and he wasn't much help. I wasn't disappointed really. He did help save my sorry self so that I can come here and complain about how miserable I feel.  best wishes with everything.  i hope it all goes smoothly.  w.w.Hey Mike!  I'm glad your happy with how it went, will keep praying that  their's more good news to come!

good !!!  I hope too that you continue to hear positives.

The oncologist implied that I would get better. I don't know if that was just to help me not to be discouraged or what. That's always something we'd all want. If it wasn't for the fact that this has been snowballing mostly downward, I would be all too happy to agree.

BTW the amitryptylene seems to work. I slept straight last. I'll see if that continues.  Believers and Non-Believers:

Let us all cry out to God for the healing of Mike and don't forget to mention him by name.
Thank you watchingwolf, that is a wonderful thought. I actually think the reason I have this is so that I can pray for all of you.   Best wishes to you Mike. Hope you get answers and relief.
I searched my soul to try and find the reason I was going through off the chart pain, with no relief or response from meds during my onset. I came to think that God sent his only son to earth so he could experience human suffering so he would know what it was like. Of course he loved him so much- yet he had him suffer. So maybe I was given the opportunity to experience the pain Christ did so I could become closer to Him and to become more Christ like in my way of living.
You aren't far off, and it was actually something he already knew (He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.) That was written more than 600 years earlier.

Everything happens for a reason if we are willing to look and listen.
You are certainly right Mike but man- sometimes it's so hard to accept isn't it? Or should I say understand- at the time when you can't see the "big picture".
I have a thing about not questioning God.
Glad it is not RA, but still Fibro stinks!
Much hugs!
I only had a feeling a couple months ago that there was something I could not see in all of this and I only knew that I was perfectly at peace in knowing that nothing would happen without Him being in perfect control of my destiny.

Thank you! Cyber hugs are safe to us touch sensitive folks