my meds are working | Arthritis Information


I'm so happy. My meds are really starting to work and I feel so good. I still ache, but nothing like before. I didn't realize how sick I really was, until I felt better.

The other day I cleaned my house more than I have in the last four months. I love when my house is really clean.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my joy.
Deb, that's great!!  It's amazing how much you love doing the simplest things after you've been unable to for a while, isn't it?  I'm so happy for you.  :)Hurray for Deb!  I'm so happy for you!! Hi Deb,'s always a celebration when meds are working.  You guys make me feel bad because I still hate to clean and do laundry even though I feel great.  Oh well, just me and doesn't have anything to do with meds.  lindyLin, I wasn't thinking cleaning when I said that, I was actually thinking about when I could take my dog for a walk again!!  I'm not a lover of housework either.  :)that's wonderful news i hope it continues for you
have a nice day
wonderful, fantastic, and awesome news Thanks guys. I do really feel great. I don't particularly love housework, but it helps when you feel good enough to do it. Of course, I love the finshed product.
In a month we are going to be having new windows and siding put on the house, so I'll be really cleaning up after that. I'm excited to get that done to, it's been too long, the house is falling apart.
Watchingwolf, you can drink for me, unless it's non-alcholic. I'm finding I can't tolerate alchohol anymore, must be because of the meds. It's a small price to pay!!
You guys are the best. I know you all can appreciate how I feel. My family and friends think it's great, but they don't understand the impact it has on your life when you are so sick.
I hope you all find the kind of relief I have. I have my life back!! hi deb that is fantastic news I take Neurontin for Fibro, and Plaquinel for RA. Along with vit d3 supplements and calcium. I wonder if the vit d has helped too. so glad you're finding relief!!
and you can help me clean anytime!! 