One step forward, 3 steps back | Arthritis Information


I haven't been around much because my life has been so crazy lately. I had been exercising and dieting and was feeling pretty good when it all went down the tubes and I had to increase my prednisone again. How I love/hate the stuff. Now I am napping during lunch again to make it through the work day and do nothing else. I have no idea why everything changed again but I hate it. Why does this always happen? I am so blasted tired of it. I had to cancel on hosting our family picnic on Memorial Day. There is no way I can do it if I am still like this, and we are scheduled to leave for a vacation Friday of that week. I know it would be way too much for me, but I still feel bad.

HI Laker, I have given up making plans as I get tired of letting people down, so its easier not to make arrangements in the first place.  I understand totally how you feel, I wish I had the answer for you, it just sucks.  This disease has taken everything I had except for my family, and I ain't about to let it have them!!!!! Good luck, Janie. Sorry to hear the RA stepped in and took over. All of us with RA go through it. Anymore I try not to count on my good days to last and just enjoy them while they're there. It aggrivates my wife sometimes because I'm so hesitant to make any major plans due to the fact that I never know how I'm going to feel. We just have to take the bad with the good and make the best of it.Sorry to hear you had to cancel your hosting plans. I had to cancel hosting Christmas Eve this year. Luckily I was ok enough to attend but it just wasn't the same.
It was kind of nice to get a break from it though....don't know if you can get in the mindset to look at it that way.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Thank you - I do feel better about it now that I have made the decison not to do it. I just get so mad when I do better for a while and then this happens. I need to just roll with it I guess.  The last two weeks have been really hard, I know I made the right decision. I think it is also hard to say I can't do it because I do not look sick and can work (only because I don't do anything else!) but people don't see that I need to go to bed at 8 pm and sleep in my car during lunch! Oh well. I am hoping to spend a couple hours of that day just napping in my hammock!
I'm sorry you're having these difficulties.  I wish there was something I could do to help.     Hi Laker,
Glad to hear that you are having some goods. I have a feeling from experience that it will get better once you realize that this is your new life, your new adventure, the new chapter of your book. Once we get above thoughts that this isn't any type of life then we are on a good road, maybe bumpy, but still a better road than others have had to take and must stay on, so many people in much worse shape than us. You are still in the figuring you out stage but I'm sure that your doctors will eventually get you to a point that you will find pleasures in your life and in your future.
One more quick thing, I always use my disease to my benifit and to my favor. Any thing I don't want to do I don't have to, "I'd like to go, but I just don't feel good today." and then take off for a cruise. Anyway, I'm rooting for you. Keep the good faith and the good faith will keep you. One of my favorite qoutes is, "There will be whole days at a time when I am not near you but, as sure as the lightning streaks across the sky, I am always with you."
And Laker, on the three steps back, take a look around you may have missed something and so for that reason alone were sent back, hey, it's possible.
And Laker, on the three steps back, take a look around you may have missed something and so for that reason alone were sent back, hey, it's possible.
That's a really interesting way to look at it.  I like that. 

Laker - you take care.  You have the right attitude, and that's the biggest hurdle.  Cathy

I like that thought about going back for a reason too. I have never looked at it that way. It is just hard to accept. I will think I am over the mental hurdle of acceptance and then something like this happens and I go through all the frustration again and know I am not there yet. Life is a lot more enjoyable if I can just accept the way things are. I need to remember that. Getting mad and frustrated over it just keeps me from any enjoyment I might have had out of the day. Thank you for the encouragement.